Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 207, 10 Kepakemapa 1894 — Hawaiian Hardware Comp’y. [ARTICLE]
Hawaiian Hardware Comp’y.
! Angnst 30,1894. Tbe thoasands idd thosands of ; peopie who read tbe daily papers j «nd get tbe new? bappening3 \ from tbe four qaarters of earth, J do so with littlc thoagfat of tbe expense attached to getting ont a paper and the triais and tiiba!a- | tions of tfae editor and frequent j Ioss of rooney to the owners. Tfae d rficalties whieh be set the paths of newspaper people vary I according to locality; in the Nothern States, where there are “nine months winter and three 1 montbs veiy late fall,” it fre<|aently bappens tbat the roads are blockaded with snow, jast aboat the time the paper sapply is eibaasted, so the editor has to fall ) back on his polished-snrface boot paper to get out his odition. j In Vicksburg, Missisippi, away haek iu tbe siities an eutire stook of wall paper was nsed in getting out a weekly paj)er. newspaj>er , was not obtainable. In some places the peoplo will demand a maiimum of news, | telegraphic and loeal at a minimuoi j)rice, and tbeu want to pay their snbscription and advertis- ; ing bills in wood or vegetables. But when Satnrday niglīT comes aronnd the gentle and nngentle ; compositor rebels, when he ia offered anything, but eoin in payment for his services, and this ' accounts for the /act that half the editors iu Uuited States are 1 trouble>l with iusomuia. We have knowu corapositors in eoun- . try towns to actnally refnse to live on a diet of roller composi- ; and strike if the editor woukl not divide the contents of the paste pot. In Honolulu, things are differ- > ent; paper is manufaotuied in Califoruia, and the oeean uever freezes so hard tbat tbe vessel , can’t rnn, so there is no delay . there iu getting a stock of paper; j the “typos’’ nsually meet tbe business Managers on Saturday ; with a broad smile whieh they 1 give in exchaage for good gold eoin, and the editors who do not wear search lights in their sbirt fronts leave them otf, becanse they do not wish to be mistaken by tourists for capitalists. The i compositors, too, aro of a better class than you will fiud on the Pacific Coast; they dress better, ! live better and are better citizens thanyou will find in other places, eveu at twelve and a half ceut beer is not inducement euough for them to tuke on “jag.” If there is unythiog that will set off tfae appearance of a home, a good bangiDg Lamps is the tbiog. We have a new stock of j Lamps that is so varied io styles | and prices that we eau suit the tastes and purses of everyone. The burners, whieh is really more important ihan the decoratioos, Lave been selected witb a tp securing the most powerful ligbt with tbe least possible amount of heat. We ofier these to tbe puhlie at prices sufficiently low to induce more people to buy than we have Lamps to sell. Garden Hose is as maeh a i necessity as a telephone. The ; long streiches of diy weatber kills ! tbe grass uoless it is imgated and you eanuoi very well iingate ! uuless you have Hose, tbe vater supply is meagre but with a )ittle . conniviag one ean always get! enoagh to keep ihe grass aud plants alive. Table Knives. Carvers, Spooos i and Forks are cbeaper than tbey • bave ever been before and we have a big stock of them. The Knives are tbe best made in the States and the Spoous aod Forks , the best quadrup e piate. Tbese will last as long as solid ware that Oost$ four or five times as mueh. | We keep alvays a full liue of these goods and ean suppiy any demau<L We neglecied to meniion when | wnti?g aboat Garden Hose tbat,. we bave a qoaoiity of the Utest < improved water apnnkle» that 1 1 we ean aell very eheap and whieh J are bound to give -satisfactiod, if | 1 !or no olher re»son than tbey will ; not get oot ol order aod yery i, UUlo force ol water nms them. Tk Sd»«j Hāūiie .Et j .