Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 206, 8 September 1894 — JAPAN AND CHINA. [ARTICLE]

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Latest Reports trom the Seat of i War. I Shangbai, Aogost 31. A Chee- ! Foo dispatch si u tos that Japanj 6se war sbips convoying a number of transports, landed troop» at Liau-tse 8ban vesterday. These : ■* * troopa were marebed at onee upon Port Arthur. tbe Japanese war ships bombarding the forts at that plaoe in the meanlime. • The t>bject of Uie J«panese ia to j ; deetroy the docka and for-ts at j j Port Arthur in order to prevent dlsablad Cbinese vessels from j sheltering there for repairs. The ! i fight was in progress at the Urae the dispatcb was sent. Ohineee jnnks from New | Cbenug report paxsing many j corpeas of Japanese soldiers at Ahe month of the Tatong river. Tbis is takiog as cooArmalion of * a rsporfod Japanese defeat on 1 tbe rirer. London, Aog. 31. A | to ihe IHmee from Sbanghai »Mys> A Tien-toin dispaich from Chi- <3 neae sonrce« says that fomteen J /apaneee ships, wilh orer 5000 a troops on board, ar« attaeklng Port Arihnr. The Ohineee garrtoon. nnaberinc 0000, mnd the 1 Ohioeae Aaet bare beea ordered *ttaok tbe 3apanaea, 8 »•«**»•». »■ Tbe

— ■ j | native prest» ha» received eon- < 1 firmstion of tbe reported battle between ihe Cbinese aod | ‘ Japanese troop« on Angost 13th: : Accord;ng to ttese repr>rts oOOO Cb nese troops of ali arms *t-! | Ucked the Japanese forcea de- ; j taiied to guard the Ping Nang j •' passes in Northwest Gorea, and ’ succeedcd in driving tbe Japanese from thelr positions. WashingtoD, August 29. A dis1 patcb was ieceived at the Navy : Department to-day from Commo- t Carpenter at Nagasaki, Jap-1 an announciog his anival at that port. He bas joat taken eommand of the Asiatic sqnadron and sailed on the Monocacy from 1 Nagasaki to Cbemulpo to join tbe Balttmore, whieh will be his flagshtp. Shanghai, Angnst 28. It is reported here that J«tpauese transI port8, escorttd by war vessels, are lauding troops to the northi ward oI Taku, with tbe intention | of marcbing upon Pekin. I Auother report »ays the JapI anese have succeeded in landing 20,000 men ou the baoks of tbe Ya-Loo-Kiang river, separating j Corea from China, and thns cut off the supplies of the large army whieh the Chinese have sent down the Corean peninsnla. Aden. August 28. The Japanese torpedo gunboat Tasuta, detained here by order of the Britisb Foreign Office while on its way to Yokohama, wasstopped under the foreign enlistment act, owing to the fact that her eaptain and crew were British subjects.