Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 206, 8 Kepakemapa 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]
BRUCE CAHTWRiCHT Hu.--iness of a Pvdacr«_Tr Xatnrt Tntnsarted. PrMopt as?faU >a gĪT«n U> tbo manageiaent of EnUiea, G ?ar«lūasliips, etc., etc., etc. , : Ca.iwri<fhd Building, Uer;Laot Slrtet. Honolnin H. MAY & Co., Tea Dealers, Coffee Roasters ANI) Provision Mercliants 98 Fort 8ttect, - Honolulu Faimlios, Plantations aml Ships aupplieil with choicest Euwpean A merican Grocerie» C tIiforuia Produco by Every Steamor. X[erchaut 10xchangje Corner King aan Nnuanu Streets. S. I. 8KAW Proprietor. TLe Finc-st selection of LIQCOIiS aml BEKR. soid anywhere in the town. First-cla*s atteudance. Call and judge foryourself. no 113—tf. LEWIS & C0. Wlīōiwaie sird Retall 6ro AXD PIvOVlSlON I)EAl.ERS. FRESR CALiFORNIA 8ALM0N ON1GE By Every Bau Frauciseo Steaaier Salt Salmox ix Barp.els a Specialtt. iii Fcti Si., Honolulu. Tcl. 240, P O. Box 297. CAL!F0RN!A Wine Company 407 FORT STREET, M(.Tut‘rny Biook. JOBBERS OF WINE8, and | SPIRXTS KENGLUN, PH0T06RAPHER. Nunanu »cJ Paioahi Stree(< Cabiuots ; I3.Ō0 Per Dozea, 2.00 Per 1-2 Dozeu, 8x10 $*>,50 Ptr Dozen, “ 3,50 Per 1-2 Dozen. Dry Goodā at.d ObineS'? Silks, ir* jtenal Ipon WopI^ QU£RX Street, Betweeu Alakea <fc Richard Sts. T It£ UNT)ERSIGXED m prepored to inake fJl k.icd» o i j lro«s Unw, Hwnae. Zinc, Tia «nd Laui Cashcgv. Aiao . G«iienl RepttirShopiorStaut Eagir.fK, &te* Mili*. eomMiOa. W«Ik Wh*el*. Wtnd Miīlā, ew. Haeiuaw tor the Cteang oI Co5ee, Owtor 0*K Beens, lUmīe, Sv*il, ! Piaeappie Letn» k oihtr Fīlxuns Fbvau. Stock the iUaioe, Am»« eo.