Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 206, 8 Kepakemapa 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

MACFARLANE k C0. Dealers in Wine* and SpiriU K**hnm.vLa S’ vtet, Uonolala. H. E McINTYRE & BRO., Orocert, Feed Store A Basert. Comer of Kinp aml Fort Sts., Honoluln J. PHILUPS, PKACTICAL plumeek. gas.fittee X)PPEB-SiirTH, XXd£T Honse and SLip Job Work Promptly Execnted. No. 71 King Street, Honolula. Dk. MeLENNAN, Furt Str».'et, above Hotel. Miilunl T»»'iej>hono 682, for offlce; 287 lbr ro«idence. jy28 i:ix e ROAVE. Iī<<n.<c Si<jn and Oinamenlal Painter. M.innf.tctiire of Liquid Slating. G20 Riog Slreel. augl LEWIS J. LEVEY, Keal Estate and Oenei-al Anctioneer. 1 ’ūraar,Fort and Qaecn Stro€te, Honolnlu Fersou.il nttenti >n glven to Sales of Fnrniture, Ileal Est«te, Stock and Genern! Mercliandise. Mnln»! 238 FAT BOY.” 8AL00N ! P. McINEttXY, Froprietor. Fine Liquors, Wines and Beer. Corskb Bethei. axd Hotei. Sts. Honolulu Carriage Manufactory W. W. WRIGHT, PKoruiBTOR, (Successor to G. We*t). . ('aKKIAOE BI'1LDING avd UEPAlHIN'U V- Ail Order* fron tbe Otber Islaml# in Uie I C»rriajrc Bundiu)(. Tritmaiut »ntl Paicting i.lne will Meet with Prompt Attentlon. Bl»ck-mitUim; in Al) lu V»rious Branchcs I>ooe. P. O Box 821. N'o*. I2S »ud 130 Fort Sfreet, jyI9 Iy W. S. LUCE Win© and Soirit A Ierchant C'inif>bcU Fir<'proof Hloek, MERCHANTST. HONOLHLU. | " ““ Anchor-;-Saloon Ex “AUSTKALIA,” Anothcr Invbice of the World Rcuowned FREOERICKSBURG UGEB BEER On draugbt and by the keg. Also. as a Specialty, Small Fresh Caufornia 0Y3TERS, KOU OOCKTAILS tnayl Sm« CITY CARRIAGE C0. Corner KING and EEIHEL St. C.iEEIAGES, AT all hour& Both TeIephon€S No. 113. J. S. ANDRADE. Manager jane 15-tL .\OTKE. ILL pewwi w wanmi m) to p*rail thw>r anŪMk tres*p«» on tbs Uodj Ol Ea!*<rai b*lougiug U» * ne* pisfit»n. AU ouimil» !ou ibe noe UuA» w01 be SING KEE.