Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 206, 8 September 1894 — HAWAII’S “BLUE” LAWS [ARTICLE]

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CONSTITl'TION and LAWS Framed tiv tlie MissioBari(e. LAWS of tlie HAWAIIAN ISLANDS. 2. If tbe amount of property stolen be more than two dollars, bat Iess than a handred. the thief shall then be fine<l according to the first sootiou of this law, and shail, moreover, be pat to-hard labor for a term of from fcnr to eight months. as the jadges shall determine from the character of the theft. 3. If the property sto!en amonnt to more than a hnndred dollars, then the stolen propertv shall all be restored, and (the thief,) shall pay all the loss sastained by the owner of the propeity. When all tbis is paid, then the tbief shall be transported to another land, there to remain for a term of from five to ten years, according to the aggraration of the theft, as decided by the jadges. 4. If a man be punisbed according to the &bove reqaisitions, and afterwards steal again, either liUle or mueh, it shall then be prop«r to transport hira to another land at . the discretion of the judges. acconling to tho degree of his incorrigibility, or the greatness of his crime. 5. lf the thief be anknow i or is not seized by the owner of the property, and ha does not kown who sto!e it tben whosoever brings it to light sball receive one foarth of tho fine, and the owner of the property one fourth, together with the original amonnt. 6. lf a man steal property and be detected by tho owner, and they shall agree ,together as to tho settlement, they may do it, and that agreement of theira shall stand. Bnt if it become public after their settlement, then the thief shall pav thft COYfirnm»*nL f>»vrfi«n nf *i.« l.-o» *' law. ahail pav n*vyiueg »n<rre to the owner of the property. 7. If any one bo condemued to reside in another land, according to the reqnireraent of this law, and he prcfer to pay a fine in money, this is the amount he shall pay, two hundred dollars for eaeh year for whieh he is sentenced by the jndges. Whoever pays a fiao thus, shall be freed from transportation, thongh at tho discretion of the judges. 8. Shonld this law bo proclaimed in any village by a crier, then tbe day of its proclamation shall be the day that it takes effect. But if not proclaimed, then tho tirst day of Docember, 1840, shall be the day tbat it takes eHect, and by this act ull former laws respecting theft are repealed. This aot is passed by tho goverumeat of these Sandwich Islunds. on this teutb *h»y of Soptember, in the year of oar Lord 1840, at Lahaiua, Maui. (Sigued) KAMEHAMEUA III. KEKAULUOHI. 0HAPTEK XXXVII. LAW PKOHIEITING BUKGLARY. We hereby prohibit the breaking open of housos, and the secret enteiing of windows, and ulso the forcing of doors and windo\*s. If any mau does «itber of these things to the house of another, he is obnoxious to this law 1. If anv man secretly break open a substantial house of anotht'r, in the uight. and enter, and »teal property, litt!e or mneh, the enme is similar. and he shall bo punished according to the requirement of the th.rd section of thē law probibitmg theft. 2. lf any mun secretly break open a snbstantial bonse of anothcr in the nigbt aud enter with felonioas intent, and while some person is residenl in tbe boase, said barglur baving weapons of deatb 5n hī» posseasion, tbat is » gre.it enme, and tbe man cornmitting it »hall be condemned to reside ou anotber !and till death. 4. If tbe hooae broken open be one cf tb*tcu, or not a subst.mtial hou.se, or if thcre be sorne other thing whieh shail materially mitigate tbe crime, ihen īt shall be iu tbe power of the jadges to dimioish the paniehmeni or chango it, aud not adbere rigcruaaly to the above specificatīoo3. The jadges are to look at the natare and magoitade of tbe otfeose. 5. Sbould tbis law be prociaimed by a crier in aay viiUge, tfaen the day of its proc!amation shall be the day of its taking etfect in that plaee. Bat if not prodaimed, theo tbe first day of December. 1840, shall be the d«y of its takmg effect, acd by tbis act all former lsws relative to burglary are repealed. This act is passed by the governmeat of tbese Sandwich Is!ands, tbis tentli day of September, in the year of onr | Lord, 1840. at Lahaina, Maai. (bigned.) KAMEHAMKKAIIL KEKAULUOHI. CHAPTER XXXVIII LAW RESPECT1NG MURDER. 1. We prohibit morder. Let oo one of any oountry eommit munler here. Wboever Ukes the life of another witb a maliciocs design to kiil, bo ahali die. Whoever iu anger destroys hmnan life, yet not inteudiog to kill, he ahaii be impriaooed foor year». (X>j 6e ChntrnucU.)