Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 206, 8 Kepakemapa 1894 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 6 [ADVERTISEMENT]
!Citysā Meai Mairket Oppo. Qneen Emm* Hall, Establisb«d 1883. { — JOS. TINKER, bJjoHe^ Maker of the Celebraie<i Cambridge Pork Sausage ! Trt Them. Meat Delivereii to Anv Part ol the City and Suburbs. Mutnal Telephon® Xomber 2S9. Y0K0MAMA BAZAAR, — Corner of — HOTEL <fe NUUANU Srs. Siik anei Crepes, Embroidend H*dkerchiefo, Window Unrtiins, Str.»w H:its, Fans, I*>nterns, u1! s rt^; Diehes. Tea and Break&st Sefo. Tr»V9, Flower Pot9. Silk Bedquilt9, Bamboo Screer.9. Neck-tie9. Silk and Crepe Shirt9, iapuueae Toys, Japanese Provisions by tbe whoī - sale. jy2S MURATA * C0. City - Carriage M'F’Q- Qo. Blacksmith Shop 107 KL\G STREET D. BEflT, Mjp^ Blacksmith Work A.\D Carrlage Repalrlng PAIXTING : AND : TRIMMING īn all iis Br<inches, at Bed R<*ck Pricce. Mutual Telephone 3S2 Give U9 a Ca!l andju«Le for your8elf, jy23 ADMIXISTEATI03'Sx K0TIC3. TIIE UNDEIISIGNED be*o doJj ■ppoint««i Timjx.rmrr A !m.ni«(rmtor of tbe K»t»te of Jobbth P*ls, rk) Ut« of Psooa. Hooolalu, Osba, derr»*«d. Xotice i« b* reby jfiren to »il cr- Jitor* of tbe ik- -e»»cd to (b. ir ■ l/m« ■» li. »;,.r s«-‘CQred by M.>r!«»uc, or ollioiiw. du.y ■atbeodicated »od »ilb tbe pr..fx r roucberr, if »nr exist lo thc uoder«ijfn> d witbio • x QK>utbft trcm th« dair bereof or Tb*'T wiii i« to*tnr b»rr«d; »n<l »11 perv>ns lnd«btcd !o th« s»id decvuM.it »rv rvqo««t lo m»V« imined!»*>.* p»yment at tb« Oillee oI 9. K. Corntr oI King «mi B«thel Stre«u>, L p »ULr». „ 9. K. KAS*E. TempomrT -Vdmiai*lrator of tbc E»t»t« ol Jo*e bh IImuo Pele, (k; leenul Uooolala, Annwi W, I'Oi. i«_3w
AOMiNISTRATiON'8 NOTICE. THE LNDEHSI<>NEr> hAving be»n <lulr App»intcd AdramMtntrix of U e*t»t of f/. K. K «iinrE k;, !at- uf HAUaiA. Kob»J», UUod of limlL ihiiiwL Nollee W berct>; <»vct» to »11 emlitor* of the d»T**«*co lo p>»cnf tbeir elaim* «be(b«r »«corcil by M"rt<age or otb<r»i« 4»ijr »atbemlic»t«l »uJ »Ub Uw pr»p<*r Toacbet*. <X *ur txL-l to tbe wUhin «. x monlh* frora U»e d»te bere«.'for tbcr vtU te f ortxtr b«rmi. ini »11 penwa* lndrbted l(j ti»« *ai>l dcCT»aed \rt reqor»t to make immvdi»!e p»ym«ut al tb-s Olllee ot 8. K. K»-5K. Corner of Km< iad Bctbcl dtreeta, Up»tair*L NAOMI KAAIUL E, Admlol*!ntiix of tb« E*ut« vi H, K, K*Aiarx. decen*ed. Uonoiola, iaja U ttr J. H. TKUSCHLER, Boot & Hhoemakeu. hlO Fori Sirecl. Repairinf{. neatly Done. hait wle and heoi witb pegs, #1 00. Hal{ aole and heei sewmg, $1.50. au7 — MEDEIHOS & Co. Merchant Tailors. Aniehean, Kngli»ti *ad 3cot.;h Twemfa on b»uJ. Fint-eUa «ork gtt»not««d. St., an;!er Arhngtoa Hotai Biook, 3. DECa*J, Miaagtr, ]V 17-Uaoa.