Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 206, 8 Kepakemapa 1894 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 5 [ADVERTISEMENT]
| GONSALVES Kirp* ao [Uad ■ oi Uk Ver» 1 |Best tar Soap la Or» of*i, 50, «0 *ad ?0 Bar> TBIS SOAP 15 THE j Pinest Imported Eere. SPECIAL PSICXS F0R 5 CA-f ' Ui LOT)5. — m AINSLEY 4 C0MPS Ceiebrated Brands of SC0TCa W1£1SKEY Samthf: |ben aldochlan, Ainsley's 0LD BIended Glenlivet iGLE .NION' Extra. Specia i ‘ 6LENU0N SPECIAL LIOLEl'K SC0TCH WHISKEY. jrd3 V0fJQ .!-F/T-:-CH^N —; FURNUURE DēALERS. Beg to infurrn th« puhlio th«t thcy bave j opencd a Branch Store at No. 322, Nuuanu St., 1 Where they carrj- a compIetc line of BEDROOM SET5. CHAIR3, TABLES, WAKDROBES. STANDS. Etc., Etc., Etc. FurnitareKepa!re(l »n»l («menil Johbln| nt Kpanonahlp i VING FAT CHAS, Factory, comer of Klng and Bethel Streeta. sept H-3ms lo\/eJoy &co. WgDlegaIe Wiqe \ Li^uoi 1 ūeale^l 19 Nuuanu Street We would eall your tīttention to Our Special Brands Longlife Pure Cream RYE WH/SKEY. Fredericksburg BEER ■ i t a i i f t i au2 in caska or bottles
Y. LUM SING, Deaier in l'ruits and Groceriea. Fresb Frmta by Eveiy Caiifcrnia Steamer, Ereab lsland Botter from Hawaii. 13o Fort Street. Coffee Ko3sted. P O. Box 169 Fresb Island Prodoce, Goods Delivertd to Anv Part of the * jy21 Chas. T. Gulick NOTARY PUBLiC For the Island of Oaha. Agent to Take Acknowledgments to Labor Contracts. Agent io Grant Marriage Lieenses. Honolula, Oaba. Agent for tbe Haw’n IslancU of Pītt <fc 9corr*s Freight and Parcels £xpress. Agent for the Bor!ington Konte M Estats Brster aii Bell Tel. 348; Mui. Tel. 139 ; P. O. Box 415. No. 38 MEKOHAM Street Hnooialu; H. I [>7F10E: Stree