Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 206, 8 Kepakemapa 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]
M \€«fNE MADE f FACTORY, : : KALIHI. Taro P!«nts, Freah Tops acti T*ro at mll times. Rirg Up Muiual TeIephone o?7. Bell 345. W. L. WILCOX, jv25 Man«ger. T. B. Mmray I» Ve< to be Fonnd On the Old Mauil, Xo. 44 KIik St.—IIIs Rusinen as CARRIAGE AM> VAG0N MAMFGoes On. When the ‘ PEOPLES’ PARTY” gets smashed he will be readv to REPAIR, PAINT AND TR1M IT At a EeaSonable Fignre. — No Extra Charge for Farnishing tbem with Ciimraon Sense. LET THEM RING UP MUTUAL 572. y216m Pioneer 8h!rt Factory ESTABLISHED 1387. A. M MELL18, Proprietor, 518 Fort St., (Upstalrs> Good Flt Empire Saloon, JAM£S OLDS, Propbietok; pine Wiiies> Llquors. Beei ALWA8 ON HAND, Comer Nuuana and Hotol Streeia. Bell Telephone dtl. Post Offioe Box 107 c c t|T’SAT0SSUP Sometīmes Vrbere to go to pnr cbase any pafticn!«r article, ba not if you happen to want any tbing in the line of
£rtists’ Supplies, PictuK pjaimes, ' or enl«rged portraita, tbere is bot one plaee in Honoioln, to porchAse nil materie!s, aod tbat‘s KI2sG BROS.’ Store, for «bieb tbere is no rirai on tbese Islands. Tbe finest paintings in Hawaii. are on exbibition in tbi* gallery. The firm makea a specialty of eniarg>ng portraits aa well as m*kmg pietare frames in tbe rory latest stylee of mooldings. In tbe elieei pictnree. ibev have th.iosauds to eeieol froiu of vbicb tbey umte'sa mapeeiion at auy iūne. KING BBOS, Hōlēl Street, : : : H noiuln