Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 206, 8 Kepakemapa 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

<?hc iUilmnua <talcndar. }<EF , T. 8 180L ; 0 M Tn WTh Pr 8«t Xew Moou, Aog. I Ang. 8 Eol: Moon,. A«g » f o Ang 24 Ang. 30 roRin>t n*ii« sr«vic*. 8tean<shiM wil! l«**ve for »n«l .irr ve trom 8an Fmnci?c> »n(i other .7tetgc pr.rt«, on or abont th* (ol!o«ring iate«. lill the rh»e of 1S1H. !.kavf Bonolcuc Dce at Hosolcix «>k Sas Fins‘n»ro. Fk. 8as Feas<t*oc Ot VaIC' ocvfr or Vancocvir. Au»tr»l* t Jnne23 Monowai ... Jon<Wammoo.... Jaly I \nstraJU J»ly 21 A'.AiDt-<i» Jaly 2fi An.fi Aug. 1 Aa«trAli»..-Ang. 1H ManjK.su» Aag. 23 WamoKKi.... 8ept. I Anf.trUi»....Sept. 15 MoDomd....8ept. 22 Ar»w» Cct. 3 An>tt«Jia Oct. 10 AlameUa..,,. Oct. 18 Wanimoo.... SoT. 1 Au»tntlia ...Xor. 10 llanjx>«a Xof. 15 Arawa Dec. I Aa»tralīa.... .D©c. 8 Monotf«i ....Dec. 13 Warrin»oo,.. ,Dec. 30 VIASELS I * POHT. I AastraIia....Jnne lf Ara«ra Jane 23 Martj>o«a Jaly 5 AaiMEa.... Jaly 14 Wanimoo.. . Jaly 23 Monowai..,..Aug. 2 Austmlia....Aag. II Aiawa Aug. 23 Alameia.... Aug. 30 Anstralia Aept. 8 Wanimoo.. . lxpt. 23 Marij»*sa.... Lep*- 27 Aastralia Oct. 6 Arawa Oct. 23 Monowai .... < )ct. 25 An»tra1ia Xot. 3 Aiamed& Xot. 29 Wanimoo.. .Xot.23 \u»tralia Dee. 2 \lariposa ... .Dec. 20 Arawa Dec. 22 An»tralia....Dec. 31 j l I {MAVAL CES»EI-«. H B M 8 |fyorinth, M«y, reqnmnlt, B. C. j l’ 8 8 ( hari»ston tk»fEn, 8 r. J H I G M 8 Arcona Hoffmier, Callao. H I () M 8 Msria. ('’alla i H I G M S »leamlrin« CiJ!ao «EIU HANĪMKN. Am liklno 8 X (Wle, Hnhhani, Gan Frau. j , Ger bk Sent«. liemann, I JTerpool. Srlir\V 8TuIbot,B'uhnm,Xeweaalle >8«. Bk K V Bitbei, **orrison. S F. Bktne n»nu r, Dow, Lysau lalanil. Bk C D Bryant, Jacobsen, 8 F. Bk Vclocity, Martm, Mongkong. 8ehr ltob» rt Lewen», Qoodman, W« hington Bk \imara, Brown. Newca»tle, X 8 W. Aui bk M«rtlia D«Tjd, Omnx H. C. Am bk Coylon. San Fn»nci«co. O, S. 8. Au»trniin, Snn Prnnci»->wo Soh Elmma (’lauelinn XeU >n, Fang's L>1. * FOBKICX VtS«tSE»PtfTF5. Am bk W S Phehw... .Oray’n Har ... Due Schr Allon A S F(Mah) .dae Schr li»bert Lewers... Dne Br »hip Ormnra Xewcastle Aug. 20 8chr Hmiie 8 F (Knh).... Ang. 20 0*088 B*lgic Yokohaxnm.. A«g. -I 15k (J D Bry»ut. 8 F: Ang. »2 KM 8 8 Mnnpos« ... Syduey Ang. -•> Bk G X Wilcox Middle»borongh. Ang25 CAS8Arnwn Vunooover.. Ang. 24 OliS Alamed« SF Ang. 30 CA S S W’animoo Syduey Apg 30 PM S 8 China Snn Fj»n. ...8»-p». 3 Bktne J»bn Siuith.... Xcwca»tle. ,Sej>t. 4 Ger bk P»ul I»eubcrb. .Brcmcn Not. 1 B.mk Kontoubeok Liverpool...Xov. 23 J. J, Williaio9 the well-known Artistic Pbotogr«|>ber is makiug h specialty of portraits on W»tch l)i.ils Hud Si 1 k HauJkerchie{s. Complete sete of Lantorn slides lcctures ean bt* had at thegallery. For lhey are sokl at a roason.*ible figare by the tiozen or by the bamlred. As the H&waiian Ooveruraent did not subrait to the proposition for not iuterfering with tbe soft soap man. l)rehnra has orderod two raore Oennan raen-of-\N ar to inforco tho sale of 17 bars of so«p for $1.25. N. liUEHAM. lk*thel 8t. Mutual Tol. 314. aug 22 * |'OK 8ALE, FiXELV lmvl Bl’U., terrier pnp». En.juire Wm. Woolhan*. al DR. BOWATS Infmu»ry, Kmg st«*t. sel-lm — 0F THE — M I^LAplū^. IX PROBATE in the m»ncr of U»e c»laie of Rō«e M*lta>o. tal« of Honolalu, Oahu. dv»«a»>U, inIMMh Oo tbe reading anU fihr>c rh« jvti»ion of MRS NAXCT 8TILLMAN of «ud Houolalu, (bat Kow Moltrt>«> of *aid Honoluln. dkd tnt«»tatc at <*td Honolulu. on tbe 4tb d*r of Frbraary. A D. ISM. and prayiog tbat Lrtt«r* of AdminStrmUoa issn« to b«r, «aid Xancy Stil!m«n lt T» ordered, (bal on FRH)AT, th« SUt d»v of SEPTEMB£R, A. I). 1 «W. be »nd fc«reby I* «pjv>intrd fur b<*aring taM pelilloo. in tb« courtroo<n <A tbk Court,- »1 iionolala, at » hleh tlme »tvl pliee «11 pem*n* cocccmed a.»v «nd tbow c*u»e, lf any tbey tiav«. wny said p*t»tion »bouid not U grsnted. D»lcd UonoUlu, H. L, A»g £4. A. D. 18M. 6i Itt£ CW*T. Cn»iJJCf F. Prre»»o>i. Cirrk_ •Og. £J-Swdly. Io future *U BILLo (or will fc; oayahis ou pre«emnuon. W« *re oompiliee to resort to this niie, on aooaaut of tt» inabi!itv to ooi«ct the mgjonty of our Cnd«rt*kwg hill* ulMr (anemū trv over. WUUAU8 BBOS., ED. A. W ILLIAM6.