Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 206, 8 September 1894 — Untitled [ARTICLE]
Mr. and Mrs . J.D. Tregloan are the bridal eonple by the Anstralia. % Cbief steward T. K. James is again at his pOst of doty. Mr. and Mrs. J. Steiner and child retorned home here again by the Australia. The memders of tbe Young Ha' waiians Institntemet last evening at the T. M. C. A. hall and, under the watchfnl eye of the Marshal of theK repnblic, elect- | ed the following membcrs as officers: Pres dent Henry Smith; ; vice do W. J. Cuelho; recording secretary Charles Wilcox; corres- i ponding do, J H Bolster; finan-1 eial do, J. N. K. Keola; treasurer N. Fernandez; marshal Isaac H' Sherwood; executive committee, J. H. Boyd, G. E, Boardman, SMehenla, S. M. Kanakanui, and C. Crabbe. • i