Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 206, 8 September 1894 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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POUND MASTEH S K « Ik> NOTICfc SotK» » beret>T pwa to aD pmoa« ttou tker» an >t Ihe <joreraneat Ponml *t 51»kiki. ok <innd nm, u<i 4 c«ttie» Iwd nt±n vh)te •*pol oo lae (owhe*d hnwl ittdūenhabte oo Ihe n»:bt hiaJ ieg fon feet m sbod. 1 bl»ek ®«, bm Thite «pol on tbe Wit, brat»d iaduenb*bie oa——leg. I pineo 00». braa-f ndi#enbttbied. 1 r<J c<>». »S»:to >pot oa tb« betlT, *sd branded B ob Wt bind bv — I c*lf. b*ring not braaded. { iaj person ur penon* o«rcic< tbeee ininuU !*» miu«*«d to eoaee *nd Uke tbe mme on or Mon 12 o’ckx*k noon, SATTBDAY, :SEPT. 15, l»«. JAMES KUKONA. Poand 5I*»ter. | | 5L»kikv. Sept 1, 1SW. sept. 1-1». |th:os. lindsay Mercbaut Streei, Hooolula Nnv S(o/r, neu' J(ic€lry Gold . Silrer and Diamonds. | — Jewe’ry Mauufacture to ortler. Watohes cleaued aud repaired iu and inypeot._urj} se4-tf. Cv-'r°ti"A F*v»ij kE T> Ejc., CornerKing «nJ AUWe* Strcet1(111(1 wiw By E'ery ?U»mer from S«n Frai oleoo, »itb { . Fresh Fruit, Oysters, Sa/mon, Pou/try, Etc., Etc.. Etc., Etc. sept 6. ’SH~ir. >F To Let or Lcnse, A UOUSE on Klng «trcet, no!it to T R. \Vslker« prorni*e», cunt«ining p«r!or, dinn!ng room, »nd three bedroom», be»idr» kitoben, b«tbroom. »table» «nd «11 modern eoneenienee*, l»telvoc«-upied br Mr. Deni»on. Arte»isn watcr Isid; rent moder«te to respon»ible partr. Addres» ' AUKAHAM FERX.VXDEZ. sug 23-Im Woven Wire Mattresses Now, for the fir3t tnue manufactured right here in Honolulu. By the only man outaide of the United Kingdom. who use3 WIRE, wliieh | will not RI’ST; be haviog Sicured exc!usive rights to use the same. PATRONiZE HOME INDUSTRY is a hackneyed phrase. But if you want to buiid up a Nalion, indus tries must be fostered. Keep youi money in your own islunds, and buy a Non-Corrosive Solid Comfoil Spring Bed. made in Honolulu, whieh will m t SAG or RUST, or. A Perfection Cot, Child’s Crib, Vor*ndsh Cb«lr, Lonnge, ThreeQu«rters Singlo so< FuII »Ue, folding Wire Bed». ARTICLES suitable to yon elimale, PRICBS suitable to th times, as yoa find tbem. Fo the Best HEI) in th© Market, I recommcnd tbe HARTF0RI W E4YE SPRiNG BEL>. Trebh Wire all tbrcagn, W0VEN as fine as clotb. Soiiti 4 iueh. Maple frames, Malleahh Castings, Warranted in every perticu!ar. Never ret failed to giv« «atisfaciion. I offer these goodb lo the oul with confidence, having m«de th for year? You eao now get yi very Largo KOA BED 8tted wiUi « WIRE MATTR£ Any size made to order. Bay the BED of tbi FUTURE, of Me*rs. T, H. l5*riet * Co. Lt’d., Hopp A Co., Wiiliam. Bro®-. I. X. L, Ordvsy & Porter or of ihe Msker W0VEN WIRE 8AILE Hotel 8tmt, Honolula, (n duor t> Horn’s 8te*m Bakery.) »og 14-lm KEE. HORSBSHOELVG 8HGF, MaunakM 3 Pauahi Stree». 9) Sy» ra*aS rond OUanaU «