Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 206, 8 September 1894 — Hawaiian Hardware Comp'y. [ARTICLE]
Hawaiian Hardware Comp'y.
Aagnst 30, 1894. Tbe thonsand.s snd thosauds of ; people who read the daily papers i and get the news happeninps j from the four qoarters of earth, do so witb little thoaght of the | expense attacbed to getting out a paper and tbe trials and tribolations of the editor and freqaent loss of money to the owners. Tbe d fficulties whieh be set the paths of newspaper people vary according to locality; in the I Nothern States, where there are ‘‘nine months winter and three j months very late fall,” it freqaently bappens that tbe roads are blockaded witb suow, just about tbe time tbe paper supply is ex- i bausted, so the editor bas to fall back on bis polished-snrface book paper to get out his edition. In Vicksburg, Missisippi, away back in the sixties an entire stock of wall paper was used in getting out a weekly paper, newspaper : was not obtainab!e. In some places the people will demand & maximum of news, | telegrapbic and loeal at a minimum pn’ee, and tben want to pay their subscription and advertising bills in wood or vegetables. But when Saturday night comes aronnd the gentle and ungentle compositor rebels, when be is offered anything, but eoin in payment for bis aen'ieea, aud this accounts for the fact that half the editors in Uuited States are troubled witb iusomnia We have knnwn corapositors in eountrj' towns to actually refuse to live on a diet of ro!ler composiand strike if tbe editor wonld not divide the coutents of the paste ! pot. In Honolulu, things are ditferent; paper is manu|aotured in CaUfuruia, and tbe oeean uever !reezes so bard tbat tho ves.se! oan’t run, so there is no delay there iu getting a stock of paper; the “typos” usually meet the business Mauagers on Saturday with a broud smile whieh they givo in exchange for good gold j eoin, and tbe editors who do not wear search lights in their shirt , ironts leave them oH, becanse they do not yĪ!»h to be mistaken by tourists for capitalis(s. The j iiompositors, too, ure of a better class thsu you will fiiul on the Pacific Cuast; they dress better, live better and are better citizens tban you will find in other plaoee, , eveu at twelre and a balf cent beer is not induceaieut enongh for them to take on “jag.’ If there is anytbing that will set otf the appesrance of a home, a good hanging Lamps is the tbing. We have a new stock of { Lampā that is so varied in styles , and prices tbafc ye ean suit tbe fcastes and purses o( ereryone. : - The burners, whioh is really 1 . more important ihan the decorations, have been selected with a to secnring tbe most powerfnl )igbt witk the leaai posSible. aiuoant of heat. We offer these to tbe pahiio afc price« §of-1 ficiently low to indnce more peopie to bny tbau we bave Lamps i to sell. Garden Hose is as mneh a necessity as a telepbone. The | / long stretches ol diy Weatber kills j tbe grass uoless it is irrigated and yoa eanuoi very well irrigate i anless you haye Hose, *he water ’ supply is meagre but with a liule . conniving one ean always get j A onough to keep tbe grass aud ; plants alive.
Tabl« Knives. Canrers. Spoons and Forks are cbeaper than tbey hare ever been before aod we bare a btg atock of them. The Knires are tfae be§t m»4 e the 8tates aod tbe Hpoooa and Porks the beet qoadrap!e plale. wili last as long as solid ware that costs four or five times as moeh. We keep always a fn)l lioe of tbeee goods and ean sopply any | de»«od. We neglected to meniion when writing aboot Oarden Hoee thai we fasT6 a qoaotity of the latesi impiored water aprinklew that we o«n «U rexy oheap mKl «re boood togire sattttaotio4> »ī , lor no other reaaon tfaan thev wili oot get oot ol order aoa rexy liille(oioe ol watar nue Ihem. Tte imū£Biitrare a < m mm