Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 205, 7 September 1894 — UNCOMPLIMENTARY. [ARTICLE]

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lt is evidoDt that the editor of tbe A<hertiser does not overestlmate tbe moral qaality of our beretofore alleged immaculate Cbriatian sugar barons. In tbis morning's issue appenrs the fol—lo«iug astounding pnragrapb: The planfers are not making sugar for the fun of it. If tbey eau muke eheap sugar by employing the labor of apes, or of African pigmies or if tbey conld fiud a race of skeleton men. or fat wonoen. sucb as are usually found in dimo museums f wbo woold eheapen the lubor market, they woukl as a rule, employ them. And it witb such ‘ patriots’’ th«t the workingmcu of the Amerioan League and the Scheutzen Club bave cast tbeir lots. Verily, politics mako strange bedfellows.