Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 205, 7 September 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 5 [ADVERTISEMENT]
1:5 «? - X ■*-' '■■■'*? -■y a % r ’X^ ARRIVED "A. u st^ al, V” French *nd Scotch Qinghama (oe«) ... .10e.. 20o. and 23c. Victoiia Lawn« (new). 10 for 75c. White Drws Goods (oew).. 10c., lōo.. 20c.. 25c.. 30c.. 3oc White and Cok>red Dimities [new] *20c. iud 2. r »c Llaunelletts, all co!ors, (new» 10 yils for Sl.0rt oKl uiaiim—' There isnothing new nnder the 3nn - * —knocked ont. Cail and be convinced. M. S. LEVY, Who is now settled in Benson, Smith * Co. s OId Stand. Fort StreetPCEIFIED WATĒE. 3NTo Microbea. IS U3ED BY THF. OONSOLtD.\T£D SODA WATER WORKS COMPANY—Limitcd. TtL©3r Fum.isli ttL© FoMntains Tlxxo'CLglxo-u.t tlx©| Cit3T, EXCEPTISQ OSE as Cx3rstalTIS"tr IT. aug7 HOLLISTER & CO. Importer3. Wholes'»le and Ret\il Dealers in lE’in© Cigaxs, Sxno3rixxg ToToacco, ANI) Sxxxo3s©xs -A-xtiol©s. Agents for the Celebrated g. n. X). PTPES, wade in PARI3. anjfT Benson, Smith & Co., The Comer - DRU6 ST0RE Pure Dru£s, Fine PerfnmesT Prompt A.ttention, Low Prio©s Oorner Fort & Hotel Sts. aul