Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 205, 7 Kepakemapa 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
?hf iiolomua €alfncUr. SEl*T. 7. 1804. - ■ 1 l'OKi l(.> 'IAIL sr.KVin, Sten!i nliipa will it*avt- f<jr .;U>i irr ve irain ftsin Fnncuon «tifi otber lopri(fn pc>ru, no or »bout tb«- folio«riDg ■iau». lill tli(i eloM of 1834. Hosolcxt Drm at Ho*oujlc »t>r San Kkam’ik». Pu. S*5 Fr> O» Van- ocvr.K oi Vas«*t«. Ati"lra!i i Jane23 AnfctraliA Jnoe 16 Monow«i Jnne2S Ar*wa Jnne 23 Winimw.... JnW 1 Manf»>sa Jnly 5 Aniitralia Jnly21 Aa«tr*li* Jcly 14 Alame<la Jnly 2B Wanimoo.. ,Jnly 23 Arawa Ang. 1 Monowai Ang, 2 An«tralia. ... Ang. 1S Auatralia Ang. 11 MarijK>« .. Ang. 23 Arawa Ang. 23 Wimmoo... 8*pt. I AlameSa.... Ang. 30 Aa»tn»lia.. ..8ept. 13 An»tralia Aept. 8 Monowai Sept. 22 Warrim«o.. .Lepi.23 Arawa Oct. 3 Marijx>>ia Lept. 27 Anatralia Oct. 10 Anstralia Oct. 6 Alame<la Oct. 1S Arawa Oct, 23 Wammoo .... Kot. 1 Monowai ....Oct. 25 Aualmlia .,.K<>t. 10 Aui*trali*..... Sot. S Manpoaa... ,Not. 15 Alameda.... Xot. 20 Arawa Dec. 1 AV*rrirooo.. .Kot. 23 Ao«tralia Dec. 8 \nstralia Dec. 2 Monowai ,...D«c. 13 Maripo&a Dec. 20 Wanimoo... .Dec. 30 Arawa Dec. 22 Australia... .Dec. 31 VESSELS 15 POKT. •NAVAL VeWKL8. t H 11 M S IlTacinth, May, Esqnmult, B. C. 1 8 8 Cliarif ston Coffin. S F. H I G M 8 Arcona Hoffmier, C«llao. ME3tr-HA5TM£N. Am bVtne ts V Castle, Hnbb*rd, San Fran. Oer bk 8**nta, Ti«mann, I iTerpool. Scbr W STaIbot,Itlabnm,Kewcfuitle K S W. Bk R P Rilhet, Morri»on, S F. Hktu) Plantcr. Dow, Lysan lalaml. Hk C D Bryant, .laeolmen, S F. |tk Velocity, Martin, Ilongkong. tv'br U«)l>ert Lewei», Goodman, Wa bington^ Hk Aimam, Brown, Newc«Ktle, X S W . Gcr. Bk ?vnta Tiemann, Lirerpool. fich. W S Tm1 or Blubrea, K S W. Bk. R P Rithot Momaon S F Bk.Velocity Marteu, Hongkon, Bk. Ain»aru Brown, K S W. Scb. Bobert IieweT»Gooduian, Wasbington. Bk. CD Bryant JaoolwoP, S E. nkie, Plautēr Dow. Laysam lal. S» b Luima Oandma Nelaon, Fang‘s LJ. rOREI6S VEWEI"S EXPK<TED. Aiu bk W S Pbelps .. Oray’s Har.... Dn« 8c.hr Allon A SF (Mah) .dne Bchr lU>lH*rt Lower>i... Owy*H1)*r Br »hip Ormar* Kewcastle Ang. 20 ScbrS*di. SF(Kab;....Ang. 20 O k O8 B Beigic kokohama.. Aug. 21 Bk C D Bryant 8 F Ang. 22 Ji MS S M ... ,8ydney.... Ang 23 Bk G N Wilooi.... Middleaborough. A«g25 CA 8 8 Araa*a VanconTor.. Aug. 24 o S S A’.ame<lm S F...;.. .. 30 CA 8 S Wanimoo Sydney.... Ang. 30 PM 8 8 China San Fian.. ..8ept. 3 Bktue Jobn Smitb Newcaslle. ,Sept. 4 Ger bk Panl I»enberb.. Bremen Not. 1 Bark Rontenl>eok Lirerpool.. ,Kot. 23 J. J. Willinma tbe well-knowu Artistic Pbotographer is making a apeeiali}' of portraits on Watcb DiaU aud bilk Hamlkercbiofs. Complete sets of Lantern slides Iectores eau be bad at the gallen'. For they are sold at a roasonable figure by tbe dozeu or by tbe buudred. As tbo Hawaiian Government did uot submit to the proposition for not interferity with the soft aoap man, Brehara bas orderod two moro “Gov. of War to inforco the sale of 17 bars of soap for $1 ‘25. N. BEEHAM. Betbel SL, Mutual Tel. 314. aug 2*2 * FOR NALK. FIKFLV 1>rn! BCLL, tcrrier pnps. Enqnire of Wm. Woolham, at DR. ROWATS' In!itmarv, King sel-lm CDUKTFl^Tdl^UIT —OF THE — \p.hp$. IX PROBATR ln tbe mattcr of the c*t*le of Rd« M*LTtNO. lala of Honolnlu, Oahn, de»ea»«d, lnte«tate. , . On tbe rradinr aml fiting tbe wtitiM oi MK8 XAKCY ST1LLMAN ol «aW Honoluln. a!leg1ng that Ro«e Molleno of aaid ilonolnla, int»tate *t said Houolulu. on th>- 4th 0av of Fel>mary. A. D. 1SW. aad pr*TlB)t tb*t LeUen of AdminbtraUon bsue to her, aaid Naacv SUUman. 11 1« orderrd, tbat on FR1DAT. Ihe 2txl 4*y of SEPTFMBEK. A. D. 1«M, br and benrby U ap]K>inltd for heanoe aaU petitioa. in tbe eounmom of tbi» Court, *l Honoluln, at whieh time and plaee all penon» conccmed m*T at']H-*r aad ahow i-auae. lf *ur tbej- h*re, why aaid petitk>a ahouM aot be grauted. I>atvd Hoaolulu, H. L. An*. 2*. A 1). WW. BYTHE COl’lT. Cmarl» F Pcte«*on, CWrk. aug. <5-Swdly. ]STOTICE. lo future all U1LL8 lor undert»king will lie paybl>le on pmaenialion. We ttie oomueUoe to rv*>n lo >bta mle. ou aoeouul o( Ui* inabai»ty *o oollect tbe ma>'nty of our Cadertak)ug »ull> af(er fuu«raU are over. WH LI4U8 BR08., lwd ED. A. WILUAU8.