Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 205, 7 September 1894 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]
— TipE !S MOf(EY JI|UE IS |^OMEY TO SAVE TOlS TTXE A.\D VOMT. BOTH 5TEP INTO HOPP & Co. Xo- T-t, JKin«x StreetWf h»te a lot of \>w «k>od» to »rri«e by tb« “Wad«r" and Ihe -Br>ajBt, ’ aaJ W »ak« rooa we o ātr our present raperb »toek of SJOCK Op SEJS lo Oak. Walnnl and Curiy Kreh ol tbe Ute*t potterns at #acb Uw priee», tbat it will poy yon to inre»i in ihein at ooee. 5ee our EU|idI A»sort*eut of WickE!\ Wv\e, CHippoH ,EJ l s M*° s In set* auj [ ieee» to »uit every taste an«l every pocket. - ALL KISDS 0F MASnFACTl'RlXG DONE IX — UpH ols T e, IYt Best Quality of Live (ieeae Featber», Silk Flos*. T lair, Mos» aad Eicelsior. always on hand All order» from tbe olber UUoda, will be attended to in a manner that will insare »atUfactiob. Try us onee and you wUl nerer l«ave us, for onr t»ood« are new and »tyli»b. and will be well pucked and eoiue to you at San FrancUco piiee». UpH 018 !^ Q° oos 7 Cof\plCE POLES Cof\D, Qlf*P BllTJOpS Wimlow Sbadrs of all sizes—plaln and fancy—«nd lettercd to ordcr at San Fr*ncisco pricvs. Specia.’ orders for all kinds of Famiture will be fllled at lowest price». Try it and be convinced. BAILEY’S \VOVEX \VIRE MATTRESSES kept in STOCK. An E.vj>erience<l Upholsterer an.l Decorator is always at yoar service. sept 6--3m
' A.SSIQNEE’S S*LE! THF. ENTIRE STOCK OF Wenner & Co. WILL BE SOLD Regard/ess of Cosf. sept 6-tf S. H l S H l (/IU Commission Merchant, 19 Nniiuuu Street, Honolnln. IMPORTERS »nd DEALKRS in JAPAN tea drt GOOD6. SILKS and PR0V1S10NS. (>oodi bjr Erery $letmer. Mulual Telphoue. 317. sept t»—tf. SAM TEE HOP, No. 552 King Street, Dealer in California and Hawaiian Frnits and Yegetables. Gaava Jelly, Tea aud Groand Coffee, Cigarsetc. jy20 PIONEEK Steam CANDY Factory. BiKERY and Ice Ci # eam Parlors! m M) 1863 lf 1894 er practical CONFEC TIONEK and ORNAMENTER īn all braiirke* of ihe hueineu on the*e i*land*. Americ»n. Emr'.»h, Oenaaa aad Freneh PASTR1S8 SUde to Order. BIRTH-DAY AfiD WKDDLNG CAK£S Made ot Ute Very Br»t X»teritl »od at Rea*onabic R»tes. Fanily 6rahan & Fancy Bread Ahray* on Hand. ALL €OXFECTIOaEB¥ ■. * . -• _, '. 2-5 ,J Mma&eiaml at My XaUbliahBent Are GttraitKd to bc PoaitiTrlr Pare and SoW at Priccs ao otbcr ert»btacmmt ean eompeie with. FACTORY AND STORE, No. 71 Ho:el i[rwt. Hooololo. Both Telephoora No, Tt jy36 COXSOLIDATED SODA WATER CO. (Luirmn>.) E8PLANADE HOLLISTEK * CO_
To Let or Lease, A H0U8E on King street. next to T. R. Walker s premiscs, eont»inine parlor. dinning room, and three bedrooms, besidts kitcbcn, bathroom, «tables and all modern conveniencc», latelv occnpied by Mr. Denison. Artc«ian water lafd; rent moderate to re«ponsiblc partv. Addre»« ' AHKAUAM FERNANDEZ. aue « Woven Wire Mattresses Now, for Ihe tirst time mamifactured right here in Honolulu. By the only man outside »>f the United Kingdom. who uses \VIRE, whieh will not RUST; he having s»cured exclusive rights to use the same. PATRONIZE HOME INDUSTRY is a hackneyed phrase. But if you want to buiid up a Nalion, tndustries must be fostered. Keep your money in your own islands, anel buy a Non-Corro8ive Solld Comfoi1 Spring Bed, made in Honolulu, whieh will m t SAG or RUST, or. A Perfcctlon Cot, Cbild's Crib, Vcracdah Chalr, Threc-Quartcrs Singlc and Fuil 8Ue, Folding Wlre Bcds. ARTlCLES 9uitable to yoar elimale; PRICES suitable to' the times, as you find them. For the Best BED in th© Market, I recommend the HARTFORD \VEAVE SPRING BED, Trtble Wire all through, \VOVEN as fine as clotb. SoIid 4 ineh. Maple frames, Malleahle Castings, Warranted in every particular. Never yet failed to give 3atisfaction. I offer these goods to the puhlie w:th confidence. having made tbem for years. You ean now get your very Large KOA BEDS, fitted with a WIRE MATTRESS. Any siza made to order. Boy the BED of the FUTUBE, of Mewrs. T. H. Davies 4 Co. Lt’d., Hopp A Co n Williama Broe., I. X. L, Ordway A Porter, or of tfae Maker i 1 WOVEN WIRE I Hotel Street, Uonoluln, (next door to Hom’a Steam Bakery.) aug 14-lm CHIN KEE. HORSESHOEING SHOP, Maunakea a Pauahi Street. OHm»D idub(1.... X«xt Door to Ko. 5 8 i 50 , 100