Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 205, 7 Kepakemapa 1894 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Band Concert. Tbe Hawaiian band will pl«y ut Thomas Square tonigbt. Tbe following is tbe programmePAHT I 1. Marcli—“Bersag!ien" Eilenberg 2. Overture—“Jollv Studenta” Suppe 3. WaUa—“Lauia" Millocfcer 4. Selectiou —“Rol>iuIIood” De Koven part ll. 5. Medley—“Muaieal Delusions” SchTeiner C. F»ntasia—“Monnt Onard Kilenbnrg 7. Waltz—“Waikiki Beach" Berger 8. March—"Carry Anna” LehnhanU “Hawaii Pohoi." , - Cv-tf p Et c -i Corncr Kine and Alakea 8frecta. Caraariūos i By F.very Sfcamcr from Saa Franelaeo, with Fresh Fruit, Oysters, Sa/mon, Poultry, Etc„ F.t<\, Etc., Etc. *cpt G. ’!H-ly. THOS. 208 Memhaul Strcet, Honolulu Snv Slort, new Jewclry GolJ, Silrer ami Diamonds. Jewelry Manufacture to or»ler. Watches eleaueel aud repaired $yCall in aud se4-tf. POUND MASTEKS NOTICE No«« i» berebr girea to all penona lhat there are at the Govemj»ent Pound at Makiki, one strayed mare. and 4 eaUW. I rad man, white spw on the foree* d braad iadiscribabie oo the right hinhe’g !ore fact arc abod. I hiaek oo», big vhite apot on the belly, brmnd indūcrib*ble oa— —ieg. 1 pineo eo», bnu>d ndioerihabl«d. 1 red eo», »hitc cpot on the b*41v, and branded B on left hinu leg. 1 ealf. having not brandad. Any penon or penona o vaiag tfane anūaah are T*Que*t«d te ooate and take the sar « oo ar be(ore 12 o’eloek aoon. SATL1PAX 5EPT. 15, 1894. JAMES KUKOKA. Poand Uaeter Makiki. Sept. 1. I8W. aept. 1-1». —— — Gust. A. Mauer, HAWAIIAN HOIKL BARBER ladies Shampooing a tpeci~ dty. Honoluiu, aug4.