Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 204, 6 Kepakemapa 1894 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]
LADIES’ OOLUMN We «re not at all snrprĪ9ed at oar increasie<l trade—it 9 the g<XHls aod prices tkat bare brooght it all about. We baTa adopted the poticy of qnick saies and small profits— it’s a first rate |poIicy for both tbe bnyer aod I seller. It means TRrĒ ECONOMY—good tbings need not be • higb priced. Tbere is a certain hard wall of ,facts and figures bowever, tbat stands between possibi!ity and f ,prodigal promises. Tbere are certaio prices beIow wbicb no good, honest article ean be ‘;bonght. Those prieea are oor’s. i —ifyou pay lessyoo will certainly get less. Tbis is a plain statement wortb remerabering. We don’t know what got into |the factory for they bare sent * ns euough LADIES, SHIKT WAlSTSto snpply every lady on tbese Islands. We mnst get rid of tbem. Come in and take your picfc. They all eame on the last stearaer aml are new designs acd pattems. Yon are paying more for Cl*R ■ TAINSat the public auction than we nre «sking. We havo NOTTINGHAMS at, $1.50. MA£>RAS, BULARION, KAW SILK. ORILNTAL, ANT1QUES ETC.. £TIC..—we intend tbat they shall be sold, so now i* a good timo to buy tbem. The same advice will stand good tbrough every departmeut of our honse. When you eall, tako 3 look at our TOWELS and IOWELLINO CA’ETONNES and FURNITURE COVERINGS. Also our COMFORTERS at $1. B. F. EHLERS & C0. The White House! 118 Nuuanu Avenue, HONOLULU. HAWAIIAN ISLANDS \ fyjoming {loa$B IN’ EVERY RESPECT. Roois from $150 lo $3.00 per Weet or 50c. per DayPAUL LEMKE, PROPRlATOR. Bell Tebphone 132. aug 22 POUND MASTER’S NOTICE. N'oliee U Lercby given to all penona that thcre are at the (>uTenuue&C Puund at JJ«kikL six straye<l huwea. I red horse. »liite »pot on the (orehe»d, brande<l J K N on lbc le(l bind lej(, pouri]r coodition. X whlte horse, bra<uled A C on Uie Iclt hind lejr, pourly cundition. X hlaek burs<«, hnuuleU T <>n tbe leit bind Ie)f. X red borse, vbite »pot on tbe haek. hranded J R on tbe rn;bt blud l*x 1 wbtte hor»e, braixi iD<ll.<u-ribable on the rij:ht bind ky, po»rly c«ndition. 1 grey bor*e, wbite s|<ot on tbe (oreheaU, tbree white feet. braud liuIUenhahle on tbe len bind leg. Any per»un or persons owing the«e bor«cs are reqoc»te<i to eome *nd take tbe «ame on u o'Hoek noon SATURD.\r, SEPTEMBER S. 1«M. JAHE.s KUKONA, Punn<) Mwirr. Uakiki. Aug. 27. ISM. aug 27-lwdly NOTICE TO Wisitors. Pienie Parties, Lnans —ASD—OENEKAL PUBLIC* At 3mith’s Bcs and Livekv Stablk, Ki.hg Stbeet. (Adjoining Metropolitan Meat Jlarket.] Is the Cfaeap**t Plaee in Town yon ean wt Wagon, tie», Baggtes azu) 8aJd1a Bone«. It will paj y«a to eali a&d see l»*o*e yoa try el*ewhere. Mutu*I Telephone 408 aagl-tf 290 Ring Up 290 United Carriage > Company, M.REIS i J.C. ŌUINN POUND MASTER S XOTICE. Xotioa t» hereby gi<ren to al! persotn that ar» at tbe Ooeemmene Pound at Miitwu str>yed bnlis. 1 bLck bnO B <>n nght hiod Ieg. X pineo boll iadiaenUttde ou — ieg. \uy penon ōt per--.ia owiug ehen.- hnlla r» m|3*tted to eomo aud Uke the on r helure 12 o'eluek noou. SAIl'BJ)AT. EPI. 13. UUH. J\HES Kl'KONA. PouoU Mmw. Makiki. 4»g. 30. 19M. «ag 30-1wdy