Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 204, 6 Kepakemapa 1894 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

{ V. • •■*. . . .> 'W ' -' I #■-•■ • ' ‘ L,7' IpME (S p40pfEY Yi|VIE !S |UOKiY TO SA\E TOOt TIME AVO VONET BOTH STEP INH' HOPP & Co. N"o- 74, K!in«r StrēotW« lnvf a lot of S«* «lo.xJs to arriTf by thr "ffiKhr ' ini tbe iad lo B»li room w« offf r oar prea«Dt »nper K »tock of SJOUK Qf SiTS In «btk. Walnal aod Curiv Btrch of the Ute«t pattern» a! *nch ht pricr«. that il »111 pay roa to invf>: in thea at onee. S«e onr E!egaat of Cl|^*^3 * (n »eti atul »ior!c pieeen to anil everr ta»t« aod ererr poeket. - ALL KINDS 0F MAN.0FACTURING DONE IN — p Uf\N( BEDDINq 0fH OLS T E, lT? Bert Quality of Livetlee»c Feathers. Suk FUvj«, Hair, Mosa anj Klcelsior. a!»ay» on hand lSr AIl ordcrs from tbe other i»land», wiil be attcnded lo tn a roanner that will in»nre *ati«factioh. Try u# onee and yon wili never leave ns, for onr (ro»d» are new and stylu*h. and will be well packed and eome to yon at San Francia«ro pilee* I Uf*lj OLS T E, l , P ,C < G°°DS, Cof\f(ICE POLES Cof\D ? BjjJO[(S Window Shadcs of all sirc*— plain and (ancy—and lettered to order at San Franci*co piiee», Spccia’ order» for all kind» of Fnrniture wili be fllled at lowest price». Try it and j be convinced. BAILEV’S \VOVEN WIRE MATTRESSES kept in STOCK. tW -\ fl ExjiericnctHl Upholsterer an<l Decorator is al«vayaat your «orrice.

JUST ARRIVED, q 1 BABY - CARRIAGES 0F ALL STYLES, RP' ;TS - l (N THE LATEST PATTERXS. ‘H0U8EH0L0 SEWING MACHINES Qaxd Sewixg Macuix2s, CfT Ail With the Latest IniproTements'^l PAELOK Jr2Cans, Gruitarr LaA Other Mnaieal Instrnmentf, Wines, Liquors, Beer ALWATS ON HAND, AND FOB SALB £T SD. 90FF8CHLiEGEB l C0 Kjo« St.. oppo. Ca«Ue A Cooke's< WA. JST T E D ! FUENlTURE, dishes, glassware, eioek». W»tch<«, Jcwelry, OW Go(d iod SUver. snd eTembise boofht ud told at 114 Kicg Street, corner oi Alakem. jr2T P. 0. Box a». 405 Nonann $t. S. YASUM0RI, MERCHANT TAILOR. Dealer in Japanese Good», Boots and Shoes of Japanese make; Oheap for Cash, New Goods by Every Steamer. jy 23 I 1 LEE SUXG KEE, 49 KJSQ STREET. TrSSMITH, asi> DEALER K GLAS6vate, Crockery, Coai-Oīl 8toTH, Witer in All Ita Ihwkw Faith-iyl8-ly §OTG TCO HEE, TINSM1TH ak® DEALEB IN TLNWARE. Piping Laid and B>pairtd. All Order» Prompt!y Attendcd ta harges Very .Moderate. C*ll aod ee U». No. 223 Maanakea St., Uoooiuln, * iy20 lm

GONSALVES AUwiy* Ke«p« on H»od a Snpply of the Very Best Piooeer Soap In Ca«os of 40,, 42, 50, fiO and 70 Ban< eaoh; THI3 SOAP IS THE Finest Importsd Here. SPECIAL PRICES FOR 5 CASES IN LOTS. m ,MEV 4 wm Ceiebrated Brands of SC0TCE W1I1SKEĪ Namely: BEN ALDOCHLAN, Ainsley’s 0LD Blended GIenlivet GLE ,N10N Extra, Special 6LENLI0N SPECIAL LIQUEUR i SC0TCH WHISKEY. Branch -8ATW«GEstabllshment. This Pinueiaao Batbing R*-aort baa been enlarged and i? now opeu lo tbe puhlie, It is tbe beat p!aoon the Ī9)ands to enjoy a Bath. ar>d there is no better olaee to Iay ofl. S|iecial accomaK>dation9 for' Ladies. Tramcars paa* the d mr every h*lf hoor, and on Sxturdays and Sundays every fifteen mmutes. C. J. 8HKR\VOOD, Jj24 Proprietor. i i Ho l(ee \ 0d. i Tinsmiths and Dealers Crockery, GlAssware, $c. WATER PIPK8 LAFD AND PLLM81NO NKATLr tXECCTED . M«mb EiagudHotal