Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 204, 6 September 1894 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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■ F«Vl'T Mvt ke T> E T c -. \ • _ Cororr K;nj um! AlrtL’e« st?«U, CamariDo's Refrifepators Bt Everr Ll*»rarr from Ssm Fnuv1 ! i īioo, irUh Fresh Fruit, Oysters, Sa/mon, Poultry, Etc., Etc., Etc., Etc. *ept 6, ’W-lv. S. N I SH I I Commission Merchant, H* Nnuauu Street, Honolulu. IMP<»RTERS »nd DEALERS in JAPAN TEA DRY <JOODS, SILKS snd PR0VIS10NS. Srw Gooda b> Kttr> Ht«amer. sept 6—tf. ASSIQNEE’S SALE! TIIE ENTIRE STOCK 0F Wenner & Co. WILL HE SOLD Regard/ess of Cost. sept 6—tf V(HQ -i-p/ī-i-eHAN —; FURNniJRE DEALERS. I B«£ to inform the pnhlie tb»t tb«T hHT» oi>enod a I Branch Store at No. 322. Nuuanu SU Whcre they carry a eomplele L'ne of BEDROOM SETS, CHA1RS. TABLES. WARDROBES, STANDS. Etc., Etc.. Eu. Furnlt urr U«*|»airc*d aml C>en«*ra1 Jobhlnjt at Kea<*onat)If Kate«. VING FAT CIIAN, F»ctory, corner of Kiug and Betliel StreeU. sept 6-3ms J. H. TRUSCHLEH, Uoot \ Slioemaker. UO Fort Street. Repairmg, neatly Done, half sole and heel witu pegs, īl.OO. Hulf soie and beel sewmg, $1.50. uu7 lo¥ iJ©Y & 00» Wfjolegale Wiqe \ LiqnoP OealeP? 19 Nuuanu Street ' NVe would eall yonr attention to Our Speci*l Brands Long/ife $ F>ure Cream RYE WH!SKEY. Fredericksburg Beer au2 in casks or bottlee 1UH |EBD1E8. VHI eni eowuapOeo, RheninaUsm. ‘ , (Mn, «U Skta d mf». Ftaa*ie Coaand FUm 1» tbe vo»t fomi. Uut it wtll em Pr«w tba rw«B « acd ean aad ih* roum«: oJ_».;. kilkpMn. lmc una. w»t «naoloia. New Japaa Market. S67 Mauoakea Street. C*t Fresb Meat ou Ics 4 Pound 25Cts. Bwro«, . lUna«er. aufl