Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 204, 6 Kepakemapa 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 6 [ADVERTISEMENT]
PIONEEK Steam CANDY Factory. B.IKKR¥ aml Ice Cream Parlors! HOP HA 1863 1894 ar practical CONFEC T!OXEK axd ORNAMENTER In all bra>tehet o/ th/ busin/tt oi lhete itlar.dt. Americ*n. EocIi»b. (iertr,»n »aJ Frencb PASTRIES M»de to Ordcr. BIRTH-DAY AiND WEDDING CAKBS M»de ol the Very Bc«t M»u-ri»l aml »t KeasoD»hle R»te*. Famiiy Graham & Fancy Bread Ahrayt on Hand. ALL («¥ fi:tTIO¥FR\ MdnnfaclureJ at Mr Establi»hmcnt Arc Guaranticd to be 'PositlTeIy Pure and Sold at Priccs oo other estab!UUmcot eao compt-tc wilh. FACTORT AKD STORE, Xo. 71 noteI Street, Ilonololo. Both Telcphonea No. 74. jy2d Woven Wire Mattresses Now, for the first time manufactured right here in Honolulu. By the only man outside of the United Kingdom. who uses \VIRE, whieh will not Rl’ST; he having secured exclusive rights to use the same. PATRONIZE HOME IN0USTRY is a hackneyed phrase. But if you want to buiid up a Nation, industries must be fostered. Keep your money in your own islands, and buy a Non-Corrosive Solid Comfoit Spring Bed, made in Honolulu, whieh will n< t SAG or RUST, or. A Perfoction Cot, Child’s Crib, Ver»ndah Chair, Lonnp», Thrcc-Quartcr» ?inclc aod Fnll »lze, Foldinc Wire Bcd». ARTlCLES suit:»ble to your climste; PRICES suitable to the times, a? you find them. For tbe * Hest BED in tlie Market, I recommend tbe HARTFORD \VEAVE SPRING BED, Treble Wire all tbrougb, \VOVEN as fine as cloth. Solid , 4 ineh. Maple framrs, Mnlieahle Castings, Warranted in every particular. Never yet failed to give satisfaction. I offer these goods to the nuhlie ] witb coofidence, haring made them * for years. You ean now get your ( very t Large KOA BEDS. ; fitted with a WIRE MATTRESS. 1 Any size made to order. i Buy the BED of the ' FUTURE, of Meesrs. T. H. Daviea & Co. Lt‘d., Uopp A Co., WiUiame firoe., I. X. L, Ōrdway «fc Porter, or of the Maker W0VEN WIRE BAILEY.'' Hotel Street, Honoiulu, (uext door to Hom’a Steam Bakery.) aog 14-lm CHIN KEE. H0RSESH0E1N6 SHOP, Maunakea a Panahi Street. Se« aetsll ronnd..... \ Otd mA »H n«ad Dow to So. 6 Eogu>e 1 90 1 00