Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 204, 6 Kepakemapa 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 5 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

OCEAN'IC SteamshipCo Time Tal>le. LOOAL IANE. S. S. AUSTRALIA. AirĪTe Honoluln Le«re Honolnln fiom S. F, for S, F. Aag. 11 Joly 21. Sept. 8 Ang. 18. Oct. 6 Sept. 15. Nov. 3 Oct 13. Doc. 1 Nov. 13. Dec. 8. r Phi'ou£?li JL-ine. : From San Fran. for Sydney, Arrive Honoluln Monowai Aug 2 Alaraeda Aug 30 Mariposa Sep 27 Monowai .' Oct 25 i From Sydney for San Francisco. Leave Honolulu. Alameda July 26 Mari posa Aug 23 Monowai Sept 20 Alameda Oct 18 PACiFiC 8AL00N. Corner Kiug and Nunann Streets, EDW. WOLTEE... .ilanager. The Fine«t aeleenon of LIQUOSS*and BEER, sold anywhere in the town. attecdence. C&11 and jndge for yonrself. no 80-tf. B. BERGERSĒN, tiencral Agent for .SING-ER SE\VI]SrG MAOHINE COMPY. All Kinds of Needles for Sale and 1 Bepairing Done. Damon’s Block, Bethel Street, Honolulu. P. O. Box 440. jy‘21 F0B 8UE. A FINE “ MIDNIGHT ” STALLIDN colt belonging to P. D. Iaenberg. Tbe oolt enn be aeen at the PANTHB0N 8TABL£ from io-momw. tf. Mctval Tn. j6«. f. O. Box ij3. WING WO TAI&CO m No. aj Xwiw Sx*arr, Homiixr. H. U Commission Merchants, —IxroKTnts i5D Dtum nr—6en«rai M«rebaadiae. naeHanU» J»pen«e PaeeaolnU TnmU, HaiUn Cbain. A Fiae Auonaneal ot Dre*» StUu. Cboiee*t Bnuds ot CUkm and Apwne Tcm of Um /■yrrfip* VAew Gmdtr eye(A■% loUaiM h*t*. $»