Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 204, 6 Kepakemapa 1894 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]
fjr TNKUHAN T CE,« FIRE AND MAPINE the undersignkd is authorized T0 TAKE FlBE axd MAKIN'E RISKS ON Buildinjrs, Merchandise, Jrlnlls, Cargoes, FVeights and Commissions At CuiTent Rates, in the Following Cos. ROYAL IN8URANCE COMPANY t LIVERPOOL. ALLIANCE ASSURANCE FIRE & MAEINE, LONDON, WILHELMA OF MADGKBUBG GENERAL 1NSURANCE CO. SUN INSURANCE COMPANY t SAN FRANCISCO. J. S. WAIiKEH, Ag-pnt for the Hawaiian Islande. OBDWAY & POEĪIK. Robinson Woek, Hotel St., heiieeen Fort and Nuuanu, Have Jnst Rec©ived, per Late Airi>als, tbe i aigest Stcck of FUR NITURE Ever Imported to this Country, Comprising Handsome Carved Bedroom Sets In Solicl Oak, and of the LATESTDESIGNS. ESPECIAL ATTENT10N IS CALLED TOTHES£ SETS: WICKER WARB, Beautiful Des'gns of Wicker Ware, consisting of SOFAS, CHAIRS, EOCKERS, etc.,you ean get these in any FINISH you desire. CHAIRB, Conntless numbers of CHAIRS, in everv stvle, inclnding OFFICE aud HIOH CHAIRS. BsrTBXTSioxr •i-a.eil-eo, We have had a number of calls for these Tables, wikh CHAIRS to maieh. We have now in stock the most BEAUTIFUL 0ININ6 ROOM FURNITURE £VER SEEN HEEE Sideboardsand -:- Cliiffoniers o 331 VA I>J S Divans covered witlj POETIERS are becoming quite the rage in {ilaee of LOUNG£S—we mannfacture them to order, anel have a aige stock of PORTIERS to select from. BEDEI1TGGreat Assortment of WOVEN WIRE MATTEESSES—Spriug, Hair, Moss, Wuol and Straw Mattresses on hand aud raade to order. L1VE GEESE FEATHEKS and SILK FLOSS for PiliOw^ CRIBS, CRADLES. etc. WINDOW SHADES of all colors and sizps. CORMCE POLES, in wood or brass trimmings. X3 E X B I XT'0-. Mattresses, Lounges and all Upholstered Furniture repaired at reasonable rttes. CABINET MAKING, in all its branches, by Competent Workmen. , MATTING LAID and Interior Decorating uudor the Supervi8iou of Mr. GEORGE ORDWAY. Our Goods ai-e First Class, and our prices are the lowest Come and be <Mnvinced —a triai is s«dicited. Bell Ō25. telephon*īs: Mutuai 645. ORDWAY & PORTER. Robinson Block, betwe«n Fort »nd Nnnanu Telf.phoxes: lBell 351 Muiual 417 Resldexce: Mutual 410 P. O. Box 117 F,. B. THOMAS, C0NTRACT0R and BUILDER Estimates Griven on A.U Kinds OP OlUl AU Kinds o( Jobbing in the Building Trade # Attended to. KEEP8 KOR 8ALE; BncK, Lime, Gement, Iron Stone Pipe snd Fittings, OId & New Comigmted Inm. Minton.Tiles, Qnarry Tilee, assoried sisee and oolon; Califomis end Mo&texey Sand, Granite Curbing and Blocks, etc.* etc. i Comcr King <51 5miūi Sts. OPFICE <51 YARD: < Office Hoon, •to is M.. ( itO4 P M.