Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 204, 6 September 1894 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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OAINIPPON M*»tc! Slret rAriiugU>n Hl>»rk3 1 I.* ahort S*ore hM pbo«tk1 u»otber j L*rp> Ilto»« of vAPANESE 3lLK. “ANCY pOODS, Per S.S. “China. *, —<x>nrawiKO—BEAUT1FCL SILK ANl) CRAPE. j Dtma Oocda in «il »hade, pUin and 6«mmd | Onahumo, T»l>le CoT«rm, B«d CoTer», Go»tm, Cbemiae«, Shavh. Silli (’rape Kainhow Silks, I AU Color» F*ncy Drmperie*(, E16B0IDERCD HAJ!DRERCHEFS Dciilion, Sc»rfs Sa»be«, JacketK, Ciip«, Eto., Etc. NOVELTIES: l’he rrice* of Uieee Good« will aHtonisb yon inclnding ELEŪANĪ SILK KIM0N08I H anUnome Cignrette C a*es, l‘iu enahion», Silk Tea Co««ie«, . *KGt AM> SMALL JAPiSESE Kl'«S Silk Cmbrellca, hgbt bnt strong; Chair 8aildlea, Silk; Kamhoo Blmds, titted with pnlley»; Silk Lamp Shades, uew style. JAPA.NE.SE SCKEE>S. From «3 Pp. LIKHE JAPANESE 11BRELLAS Cau l»e Set with Pole m the gronnd, nioe (or I*icnic» or Lunehea ont of doom, hey unu be o{»eued ont or u»c<l aa a tenL r()TTON crapi:s 1N GHEAT VARIKTY LVlus|«ction Ke>jHH lfally IuTited. Mrf. J.P.P. Cal8Aco. Arojrietre8s. Aj>rl2-3ms JUST ARRIVED, 3 " 53 BABY • CARRIAGES OF ALL STYLES, I *\l V IN THE LATEST FATTERK8. “HO U S E H O LD SEWING MACHINES Hakd Sewd*q MaciuK£S, Cy.Ul With tbe LaWt ImproTements^Q PABLOR Orerans, Guitarc Aad Other Muaioal lnatrumenll. Wines, Liquors, Beer ALWATS ok hakd. akd FOB 6ALE BT ED. HOFFSCHUEGER1 00 King St„ oppo. Gaatb k Oooke'a» Tai Wo Wing Kee Co. 86 NUUANU 8TE£KT Dea?cr* in Laē???* £ OenlE* auU bhoea m»de to order. POB«xM7