Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 204, 6 September 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 4 [ADVERTISEMENT]
ARR1VED “^Jst^auv” French and Seoteh Oinghams (new) 10c., 20c. and 25c. Liwoi (new). 10 \*da for 75c. WThite Dr»ss Good* (new).. 15c., ;&c., 2ōc., 30c., 3ōc White and Colored Dimities [new}. -0c. aud 25c Llanoelletts. all colors, (new> 10 vds for fl,00 J5CTbe old maxim— * Therc is nothing new anJer the 5un ’ —knocked out Call and be convinced. M. S. LEVY, Who is now settled in Benson, Smith d: Co. ‘s 01d Stand, Fort Street. PDB1FIET) WATEE. No Miorobes. IS UsED BY THE OONS<31JDATED SODA WATER WORKS COMP ANY—Limited. TtL©3T Pvunish. tjo.o T , ovLrxta,ln.s TTtLro-a.gūa.ou.t tto.©3 Clt3r, EXCEPTINO ON'E as Cr3rstsilTBT IT. -£l aug7 HOLLISTER & CO. Importers, Wholes*le and Ret lil Dealers in nn.© Clgraxs, SmolslrLgr Toloacco, A.NU Sm.o3s:©rs -Axtlol©s. Agents for the Celebrated Gr. B. Z>. PIPES, MADE IX PARIS. •ng7 Benson, Smith & Co., The ComerDRUG ST0RE Pure Drugs, Pine P©rf\imes, Prompt Attention, - LiOw Prices Comer Fort & Hotel Sta aui