Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 204, 6 September 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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! | To emil asd ia#pect oor late impon*:ioo ' oi ihf «rieb»U>d G. B. D. n m, oeazs in*l nr*f»ttt bnUen. WE 15VITE ALL ?MOKJERS I rtcmntte hnWen. l(*. >MOKEK>, JrtTEVno\. HoU.st*r A Cn. h»re a fnnher sopp|T of thc eelebrmte«i G. B. D pīpem 4ireet from thc £*rtorr as «ell as % nem »tock of aaher mal meenehaan. mnd ci|tmmte h !der». matrbe*. Aleo 71 : BOTH TELEPHONES : 71 -C0SSOLII»ATEI>SODA WATERW0KK5 00. I {uiTrrm>.) CX)X50LIPATED SODA WATER CX). iLnunn).' E8PLANADE r«r. Allem «nt Fort «U. t : H»b*I«Ii H0LL1STER A 00.. * Apau. F0R 8ALE i Bb11 Tenier pnp» ont of the bemt imponed | stock. ‘*Pndge” th« n>otber t* of ihe fine»t tightiDg «Snct mnd “Bonnce" the sire i is m •'ehemep’ fiom the mord “go." The papm mre etigibi« for registr*tion and Ihe pe-iigree of the pmienU is eqnml to thmt beld br anr Dogi in the Countrr. Partie§ vant>ng a cattle drg or a hog dog will do wril to inspertthis .ittor. g0F" Eoqoire at the Anchor S«aoon ol W. M. eUNKIKOHAM. sept 5-lm To Let or Lease, A H0USE on King strect, neit to T. R. ' \V*lker» premises, eonlainme parior. dinning room. and three bedroomn, be»ide* kilehen. bathroom. »tables and all modent . ronrcnienccs, latelv ocrnpied br Mr. Denison. Arte»iao w»ter laid; rent moderate to reeponsible partr. Addres» ‘ AUKAHAM FERNAM)EZ. »ng *d3-lm L. II. KERR‘S ANNOUNCEMENT! li 1 HAVE jtst received a LARGE ASS0RTME5T 0F . FINE SHITINGS, •ELEGANT PATTERNS, AND LATEST STYLES. The»e goods will be sold in any Qnantitr from a 100 Yards Down to Enouoh to Make a Single Suit ! —AND AT—HABD TI1EB PRIHE8i I.. B. KERK, Qneen Street. - IMP0RTER, Septo-3m 3 īrSAT0SSUP Sometimes wbere to go to par:hase any particalar article, bnt iot if yoa happen to want any:hing in the line of >Msts’ £upplies, Pictuie prames, or eniarged portraits, there is bot one plaee in Honololn, to porchase ail mmterials, end that’s &1KO BBOS.* Store, for whieh tbere is no riral on these lslands. The finest paintings in Hawaii, are on exbibition in this gallery. The firm raakes a specialty of enlarging portraita aa well as mmking pielon framea in the rery Uteēt styles of mooldings. In ihe sbeet pictares, they have tho«uods to selecl froo> of whieh they inrile ao inspection at ooy iime. KING BROS-, Hotel Street, : : Honoloin aog. 36-lmdiy.