Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 204, 6 September 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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?hc iiolomua €aUmlar. SEKf. *i. 1804. 'n M T o \V Th Fr 8*1 NV w Mooo, AOg. I 12 3 4 Finrt QnartR. — Aob-8 5 « 7 8 9 10 11 F«n Mo'm. 12 13 14 l > 16 JT 18 Lut Tt*r 19 20 «_ 22 23 2* 23 NV , A^ 24 26 27 2S 25 » 31 An « 30 ' n*ii. «ir.«ricr.. s*t«ū » «hip* «■«♦! If«vr l«>r iul irr ve irom Snn Franci*f'i «n<l n‘Mer t>mgc l«ottJi, rn or »bont tb* f >llowinjt lill the iof 189*. (un Dcr at Ho50irt,r pr>R S»*> nuww». Fj». pR\5rwoc ot V*»i on rt o« VA5Cocrt«. An«trr!it Jaae23 Auttmli« Jnne 16 Moa inne 2* Ar»«r* Jno« 23 Wmiano ... Julr 1 Manpu Jnly 5 An»tnlu 4oly2l Vn«u»ls*.... July 14 AUme-i» Jniy 26 Wimnwo., .Jnly 23 Ann An«. I Monow«i Aog. 2 Ao»tn»li« Ang. 18 Aaafn«lūi... .Ang. 11 M*nv«o«n ....Ang.23 Ar»wm Ang. 23 W«rrinitw>... Sept. 1 Almnw,-1*.... Aog. 30 Ao«traI». ...Sept. 13 4n«nli« Aepl. 8 Monowai,...Hept. 22 "«rrin>«.. .Lept, 23 Anwa . Oct. 3 Manpoea.... LenpA 27 An»traha Oct. 10 Aortr«li* Oct. 6 Alameia Oct. 18 Amwa Oct. 23 Wamu. n..,, N«t. I Monowni ,...C«ct. 25 AnnUwlia ...Not. 10 Au»lralia Nor. 3 MaripoM... .Not. 16 Alainewl* .... Not. 25 Anwa r>vc. 1 Wanimoo.. ,Not.23 AoHtralia Dcc. S \o»tt»lia Dec. 2 Monowai ....Dcc. 13 Maiipo-.*,.. ,D«c. 20 Wanimoo... .Doc. 30 Aniwa Dec. 22 Anstr»lia....Dec. 31 VES»EL1 13 PORT. •NAVAL. VISRaL.' ! - n BM8 lty«cinth, May, Bxqnnjult, B. C, r 8 R < harl vion Cofl5ii. S F. H I O M 8 Arc>na Hoffaiier, Call*o. II B M8 Hyacinth May, Kvjuimanl BC + neiirnAXTiiKX. Am bktne S N C’a»tle, Hnhhanl, San Fran. Ger bk Senta, Tiemann. IJrprpool. 8ohr W 8T*lbot,B‘iihnm,Newcistle KS W. Ba R P Rithci, «or i«on, S F. Bktne Planter, Dow, Ly>an I-<lan'l. Bk C D I!ry«:it, houUu, S F. Bk Velocity. M«rtin, Mongknng. S< hr Kob- rt Lt‘wers, Oo.>dai*n, W« hington Bk einiam. Browu. Newc«stle, N S W. Ocr. Bk Sent« Tiwinann, Lirerpool. 8ch. W 8 Tnl or llluhiea, N 8 W. Bk. R P Kiihot Momaon 8 F Bk. Vvlocity Mart«n, Hongkou. Bk Aiiuam Brown, N S W. Sch. Bobcrt I«wersCloodman, Washington. Bk. C D Bryant Jaoohaon, S E Bktn. PianU>r Dow. l.aysan 1*1. S*’h Kuuua Claudiua NeU u, F«ug's L>I. F«Ri:i<!3 VET»EIS E*PECT*D. Am bk W S Phelpa.. ..Oray’s Har... Dne 8chr Allen A SF (Mah) .due SchrRobert Lewers... Gr.ty’H'b’r Diie Hr OmiHm Newcaslle... .Ang. ‘20 Schr 8adie S F (Kah).... Ang. 20 OltOSS B,1gic Yokohan».. Aug. 21 Bk U D Bn .iii 8 F a "K- — lt MS S .\fanpotui Syduey Ang 23 Bk G N Wilooi Mi«UllcRborough A«g23 CA S S Aniwa Vanoouver. .Ang. 24 O S S Alatned* S F Ang. 30 CA 8 S Waminoo Sydney Aog. S0 PM 8 8 Chiua San Fj«n. ...8ept. 3 Bktne John Smith Ne«ca»tle.. Sept. 4 Ger bk Paul Iseuberb.. Bremen.... Nor. 1 Bark Runtenbeck LiTerpool...Nov. 23 J. J. Williunia tbe well-knowu Artintic PbotogrHi)ber is innking a spocialty of portraits on Watcb Di«la uml Silk Handkercbiefs. Oomplele sets of L;tntern slides lectnres enn be htd nt tbo gallery. For tbey aro sold at a roasonable tignro by tbo dozen or by tbe bundred. As tbe Hawaiian Goveruraent did not submit to the proposition for not interferity »itb tbe soft eoap man, Brobam bas ordered two raore “Gov. of Wur’ to inforco tbo snlo of 17 bars of «oap for $1 25. K. BREHAM. Botbel St. Mulual Tel. 314. aug 22 * F«»K §ALE, FIXELV bml Bl’LL, tenier pup», Eoqnireo( "m Woolham, «t DB. ROWATS lufirtu«rr. King street, sel-lm dūURTFI^TCl((CUlT —OF THE — |IAWJ\I1J\N 1^LAJID0. IX PROBATE. * ln thc mattcr of thc n<t«tc o( Rc«x V0cteso. l«tc «f llonolaln, Oahn, d«ca»cd. Intc«talc. -— On tbe rradine «nd iho pctiliooof MHS NANCT 8TXLLMAN of »aid UoihMuIu. ailoriug th»t Ki»c Moltrn<> of «aid Honolnln. Jicd tiiu«UIc at -*id lloiiolulu. ou thc 4th <Uy of Fcbm«ry. A D. :«**, aml pr*ytng !bal l.ellen of AJmini*iraiioo i»«ac to her. «ain Nanee St!lim»n. li U ordcmL that on FF.ll)AT. thc 31 *t d«r of SEFTKMBfeH. A. D. 18®*. he *nd bereby 1» «p(H>iaIod fur ho*riivc a«id pctitiou, in thc cuurtMom vf thl» Court, at Houolnlu, at whieh linie «nd pUee «11 pemon» concen»cd m«r *j>pe«r and »how can*c. tf aoy they haw, wh* «aid [H'iilion »bould not bc crantcd, Ii«t«.d llonolnln, H. L. Aue. 34. A. D, ISM. BTTHB COl’RT. Ch«ri.e» F. PrTi:*»t>5, CWrtL aug. »-5wdly. lo futurc all BILL8 lor UQdcrtakiag wiU be payablt- on prenea;*tk)ti. We are eumpci.«c to m*>rt to this mle, on aeeooul ol thc iuabihtr u> eoiluei the of o«r Uud«rtaku>g UIU alier (unenU axv over. W’IIUAMS BROS., ED. A. WILUAM8. Manager. *tx2;-lwd