Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 204, 6 September 1894 — LOCAL NOTES. [ARTICLE]

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The <telf-ni»4e m)Iods *re m«eting th kh hfternoou. Tlie Holohūa is only 50 eeoU [»i ni’>ntb (Wiiveml L'gl>t rain showers. of »hort j i«•• • • V : <l iratiou ng«in tb>« morning. Fifty seven deaths luat montb ; |in Honolnlu. The highest nnmber. of a like montb, «inee 1891: r Tbree monarcbies and one re pnbl>c wiil be hooored, in band mosic, &t tbe concert tonight. The loeal saloons feel tbe first satisfacton' financial resnlts from , tfae advent of the warships The German warsbip Alexand- | rine arrived tbis morning frora Peru en route to Korea. The members of the Y. M C. A. meet this evening in the par- | lors of the institution Tbe trnstees of the Queen‘s j Hospital will meet on Wednesday next. The Volcano lonrists, Iately : roturned from the sight-seering of Hawaiis wonder «re not in ecsticies over the views obtained. j Tbe boose bold furnitnre of j Judge Bronson wili be so!d at ! anelion at the sa!esrooms of L. J. Levey, next Friday. ‘■Unknown” is the eausa «ttributed to five of laat months doaths andten of tbe ‘‘tTavellers” cro«sed tbe styx “unattended;” An abortive atlempt was rande to organi/.e ;a “Prevention of ! cruo1ty to auimala” socioty last evening. The Temple of Fasbion has a fine display of misses and cbildren’s 8hoes in all sizes and pat- I j terns. Star Cbamber proceedings are | Hiill being engaged in bv tbe . Board of Healtb Executive, »ecrei sessions is the latest fad. lt will pay inteuding hou.se I keepera k> inspect Hopp & Co’s l I fine stock of furniture. lt costs j notbing to eall at tbo store. Deputy Marshul Brown is taking his turn at a vacation now. Guuning is reported to be good over Koolau way. # Tbe goverr.ment band will give ; a concert at tbe Hawaiian Hotel tbis eveniug. at 7:30 p.m., for the j benefit of tbe men-of-war in , port. Tbe Hawaiian National Band 1 will give a concert to Britisb Commissioner Hawes, at tbe Hawaiian Hutel on Saturday. Sept. 8, 1891, at 7:30 p.m, Tbe Cbarlestun is taking in eoal from the U. S. Goverument pile and expects to leave on 1 Monday next. The Alexandrine of H.I.G.M’s uavy is at tbe Pacific Mail dock taking eoal from tbe I. I. S. S. Co. Tbe Arcoua is being snpplied bv tbe same fiim ■ | The entire stook of Wenner k Co., tbe weil-known jeweller | firu will be sold reg.irdless of cost by the assignee's of tbe esstate. Tbe Scbeutzen eluh manifest may or may not be presented to i the Councils in open session. If not, tbe clob jntends to ask, 4“ ‘ wby not P Tbo Cbinese war-spirit has evidently reacbed Hoaolulu. ! Tbere were two free fights on King street during tbismorning. I Cbina eame oot rictorions in both instances. was not the country of the parties attacked and beaten. — Liberty was allowed yesterday afternoon io men from all the warsbipe in the barbor. vis; Englīsk, German aud Anaenean. Tbe (iermann sailors were favor- ' abiy commeuted on by raason o£ 1 t!ieir h?althy and neat per«onal appearanoe and tbeir respeot to > ofBoers.

_ _ —« «. . Rni* seesns to t»ave dropped j entirely oai of for no; oewsp«per scems prooe at present | to uoliee it*. eren precarioas. existence Tbe ‘King’« barber” ia laek- i īng. m ti>e manipnlalion of tbe \ pen, sbears aod paste-pot, tbe i skiil dispiayed in the handling of ; razor, brash and roag. on elder, I but bappier tlays. Mrs. Tbirds tbe tbeosopbic«l , !ecturer will deliver her fiftb lee- 1 ture on tbeosopby at Foster ball, I tomorrow evening. The sabject is, ”UniTereal Brotberbood” Lectnte commeuces at 8 o'eloek. I i " I Tbere was a large gatbering of j members and frieads nt tbe meeting of tbe Mannerohor Harmony in tbe Pacific Hotel parlore, last eveniug. Tbe organization is t increasing in memberebip. By inadverteuce menlioo was omitted tbat tbe C.tliforoia Feed I Co. c.ntributiuus of bay. grain < and bagging made a winner of one of tbe maskers at tbe Schect-1 | zen club rtlley. I Tbe Y. H. i. met last eveuing for eleelion of officere but circamstances preveuted the oecomplisbiuent i»f that purpose. : The eveut is anuouuced for uext Friday evening. Captain Dow of the barkentine I‘lauter was attaeked witb a serions bcmorrhage from tbe luugs, last eveuing, and was removed to tbe Queen’s bospital , for treatment Judge Wbiling, Goancillor Cecil Brown and ex • Marsbal C. B. WiIson are together in oamp at Koolau on a hunting ex- | cursion. Some np town storekeepers who lately hsve been eomplaining over tbe scarcity of water in tbeir pipes, have now got raore j than lhey bargained £or. Their taps bring them a steady supply of mnd and little fishes. A 1 .rga stook oi patent medicines whieh will oure everytbing from tbe prevalent fever to nettlerasb ean be found at Hollister ! Drug Co’s stores, at the most ‘‘cotting” prices. Hon. J. C. Edwards late member of tbe Samoan eouneil-eham-ber is agaio visiting Honolulu tbe former scene of bis bosiuess and resideuce. And now there are indications of a beer drougbt from tbe beavy j drafts at present being daily . made on tbe soiall loeal stock of Fre<lericksburg. Enterprise, National. and Butf.ilo brews. — Twenty - seven Hawaiian and 17 Asiatics died last montb. Wards 2 ; 3 aud 4 bad over 47, ont of tbe total of 57, deatbs to tbeir discredit