Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 203, 5 September 1894 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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TH()8* LĪND8AY 3> M«n'bant Stre eu Uonoiulu I AVr Su*rf, nt'Hr Jr»relry Silrrr and Dia»kond. Jewe!n* Man’ifactare to or«ler. W*tehes o’e*ncd and repaired 5yt‘aU iu aud se4-tf. POUND MASTEKS | NOTICR i Nodce ts berebr gjren to all penon* ih*l ihere ue it the liOT«nuD»t PoaoU at Mi i kiki. om str»Te«i m<uv, uu) 4 enuiea. 1 j 1 ied m*m «hit« *pot on tbe forrhe«ti bnnd indiscnb*b!e on the rigfat hind leg, : (ore (eet ane shod. 1 bUck co«, big «hite spot on the be!!_v br*nd iadiscrib*t3e on leg. I pineo cn«, brand ndi#cril«l>led. 1 red 01«. »hite spot on the helie, uu 1 branded R on le(t hiod W I ca1(, h*ring not bntnded. Anr prrson or pervons o«ning theee «omuh are reqnested to eome u i take the <ame 01 or before 12 o’eloek noon, SATl'RDAV SEPT. 15, 1SM. JAMES KUKON'A. Ponud M.s»ter. Makiki, Sept 1, 1SW. sept. 1-1« PANĪHEON 8ALOON, FORT AND IIOĪEL 3>. Headaaarters Enterprise Brewlng Co. THE Largest Consigument of Beer that ever arnved here, on Draught jyH J. DODD, Prop'r MEDEIR()S & Co. Merchant r l''ailoi-!s. Amenean, £nglish and Scotch T«eeds on hand. First-cLiss «ork gnarmntoed. Hotel St., under Arlington Hotel Block, Houolnln. S. DECKER, Mauager. jy 17--lmon. Gust. A. Mauer, HAWAIIAN UOTEL BARBER Ladies SIuvnpooinr/ a speci~ alty. Honolulu. aug4. Removal ! Iliistace & Co, HAVE MOVF.D TO - - Morgan’s - Auction • 110 0ms for a sbort t»me. We arestill ael.iu^ Departure Bay COAL CHARCOAL, ALGEROBA and KINDLING \VOOD in anj qaantitT. Both Tclephone» 414 anA Long Branch -8ATH)HGEstablishment. This First-Clasa Bathing Resort bas b?en enlarged and is now opeu to the pahlie. It is the best plaee on the islands to enjoy a Bath, and there is no better olaee to lay ofl. Special accommodations for Ladies. Tramcars pase the d<ior every balf hour, and on Saturdaya and Sundays every fifleen m:uutes. C. J. SHERWOOD, jy24 Proprietor. YIAT1 REKD1E8. VILL fCU Con*noptlon. KheamiUmn, C«urrfc. Croop, *11 Skm imn. Fem«> pl.inip. »u l PUe» lu thr «orst (ono. Hope» »re eDtort»m«d th»t it wlll r»rr Lwwī. Tbev »r« T«|t<iU* «r.d «an be «ued by the mo»t dellcate aad the yoonge»i Pr>es «Uhln Uke re»rh o( aU. 8old fcr TIr». C.O.UIU«»r, IH Ki«« rtr**l, W.y Block, nader Harm»Qr Hkil, Hooululu. New Japan Market. S67 Haunakea Street. Fre»h Me*t on Ic« 4 Ponnd 25Cta. ScgckL Manager. aogl Honohilu Camage ■am*etery aOA SOSr W. W, WSIGHT. P*omi»TO*. (8Mewor io 0. w«rt). ®VILDING EEPAIKI ~yi Dniere (Vom the Otber la Tri»wta* and P»ln •111 M*e» «itfc Prompt AUem te AO Ito V«riu H 1» P. O. BO* m. Noa I