Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 203, 5 September 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 7 [ADVERTISEMENT]
THOS* LTN DSAY 20S Merchant Street, Honolola Nnr Siorr , nnr Jnv<!ry Stlv*'r and Piawon*!. Jewelry Mann 'actare to onler. W»tches c!eaued aud repaire»l ET« *ill in aod mspect.,£| se4-tf. P()UND MASTKH S NOTICE Koōee U h*rebr g)ven to ali jwr*'cs Uui U»ere «re >! tbe Oownmenl Peumi *t Makiki. one strayeti niw. ae ! 4 c*»Ues. t red mana. vhit« spot on tbe foreheo»i. bntmi iniii*cnb«ble oo U» right 4ticd leg, fon» feet are sho»i. I bUck eow, big vhite spot on the beily, brand indis«nb«fcle on ieg. 1 pineo oow. btand ndiacnfciblod. I red eow, vtiite spot on th« NdlT. an i branded R on left hind teg i calf. hanng not braadod. Anr pereon or pen«cas owning thes« animais are rvqne«tcil to oome and take the aam« on or b«fore 12 o'eloek noon, SATTRDAA', SEPT. 15, 1»4. JAXTES KL'KONA. Pouud Mut«r. Makiki, Sept i, 1S£U. 1-iw. PANĪHEON SALOON, FORT AND lIOTEL STS. Headimarters Eūterprise %mm eo. TQB Largfāt Consignment of Beer that ever arnved hcre, noor on Draught jTH J. DODD, Prop'r MEDEIIl()S \ Co. >Ierchant Tailors. Amehean, KnglL>h aud Sontch — Tweeds on haud. Firat-cla»> wurk gnaranteeu. Houl 8t., nnder Ariington UoUl Bbck. Houolnln. . 8. I>ECKEK. MiMpnr jjr 17-lmon. Gust. A. Mauer, IIA WAIIA X H0TEL BA RBKR Ladirs Shampooing a special(y. Honolulu. aug4. Removal ! Kus4aee &, Qo t — BAVE MOVED TO Morgan’s - Auelion - Rooms for a «hort timc. We areatill selling Departure Bay COAL CMAHOOAL, ALGEKOBA and KINOLINU WOOD in »ny qnant!ty. Botb TeIephooe« 414 ao« Long Branch -8ATH)HGEstabllshment. This First-€iass Citbing Resort has been eolarged and is now opeu to the puhlie, lt is the beat plaee on tbe isiands to eojoy a Bath. acd there is no better olaee to !ay off. Special accommodations for Ladi«. Tramcars pass the door every balf hour, and on Saturdays and Sundays every fifteen minulea. C. J. SHERWOOD, jy24 Proprietor. mn B£HED1E8. WILL C('BB CoorainpUos. Rheamatlsm. Catarrb. <.‘roap, •!! Sk:n d uucs F«naJ« Com pUtota,lad PC«» lit ib* tnm (unn. Hop*> »1« emtntui«d Uut il wlll tar« Uoiay. . T*T- •» T»t«»w» l«M4iM and «n kww bf tke iikki <WUeaie and Um yoang*«: Pr-*e» wUhln th* re»<-h of »11. 8oU br Mrt. C. O. fiallww»jr, IH K1b( atre«t, Wa> Btoek, undw Hannooe MmH. Bwo hUn. . New Japan Market. S67 Maunakea Street. Fresh Meat on Ice 4 Poand 25Cts. 8oqū«, M«nager. augl