Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 203, 5 September 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 6 [ADVERTISEMENT]
PIONEEK Steam CANDY Factory. BAHERY and lee Cream Parlors! n 1863 1894 practical COXFEC TIONEK axd ORNAMENTER /« all brauckft of lhf hu*infst o>i thfif i*land*. Amvric»n, Enc’t:sb. G«rm«n »nd Frcnct PASTR1ES M»de to Ord«r. I BIRTH-DAY AND WEDDING C.\KfS M*de ol the Verv Bc*t M»teml »nd at Kc»»onable Rates. Family Graham & Fancy Bread Alwayt on ffand. ALL COXFECTIOXKRY Msnafacturcd at Mv Estati!Uhmcnt Arc Qiarute«d to be Positirely Pnre and Sold at Pricc* no otber eatablisbBent ean competc with. gtT FACTORY AKD STORE, Ko. TI Ilolel Street, Honolulu. Both Telephcne« So. T4. jy‘J6 Woven Wirel Mattresses JIow, for the first tirae manufactured right here in Honoiulu. By the only raan outside of the Unitetl Kingdora. who uses \VIRE, whioh will not RUST; be having secure<l exclusive rights to use the same. PATRONIZE HOME INDUSTRY is a backncyed phrase. But if you want to buiid up a Nalion, industries must be fostered. Keep your oioney in your own islands, and buy a Non-Corrosive Solid Comfoit Spring Bed, made in Honolulu. wh.e'i will n< t SAG or RUST. or. A Perfccti<»n Cot, Child's Crib, V«randah Cbair, Lonnge, Three-<duarter» Singie »nd Full »l*e, Fulding Wire Beda. ARTICLES suit.ible to your; diraate; PR1CES suitabie to th ? tiraes, as you find tbem. For| the Best BED in tho Market, I recommend the HARTFURl)i WEAVE SPRING BED, Tr t ble: Wire all through, WOVEN ss fine as dotb. Solid 4 ineh. Maple frimes, Malieahle Castings, Warranted in every particular. Never yet failed to give satisfaction. I offer these gonds to tbe puhlie with confidence, haviog made ihem | for year». You ean now get your | very Large KOA BEDB, fitted with a WIRE MATTRESS. Any eize made to order. Buy the BED of the FUTUBE, of Uewrs. T. H. Davies & Co. Lt’d., Uopp A Co., Williaau Broe., I. X. L, 6rdway & Porter, or of tbe Maker W0VEN WIRE BAILEY, Holel Street, Honolulu, (next duor to Horn’s Stcam Bakery.) aog 14-lm CHIN KEE. HORSE3HOEING 5H0P, Maonakea * Pauahi Street. S«vaetaB n«ad.., $ ) OU wt aU maul to jfo. &