Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 203, 5 September 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 4 [ADVERTISEMENT]
Golden i Hule Bazaar, Depot for NEWSPAPERS axd PERIODICALS by every incoming steamer. S&T Subscriptions Payable in Advance. DOMESTIC SEWING MACHINES. Tbis Miieliine is tbe Kmg of all. On it you ean make a Loekstitcb, Cbain-stitch. Embroidery, i5utton-holes. Rnffles, Tncks. Guitars. Lawn Teunis, Baseball. Croqaet. Stationerv and Blauk Books at J2Ē"'Ca8h PnieEa. Mand Sewing Macbines from J eigbt dollars and a half up. jjy27 T. H. Davies & Co., X-ii23Q.it©d-i ■ ?■; ' nf ?A- V» - Fresh Feed and Flour From WASHINGTON. Lion Flour, Oats, Barley, JVHddlmgs, Bran, Per “Wammoo,” Just to Hand. New Dry Goods Orockery, Hardware, Groceries, To Hand. FOB Bailey Honolulu Made Wire Woven Matresses and Hammocks CITYDRAYAGB00, Supd: Qu«en and fori WM& »nd BUck fl»od. Draying Dom at B«Moiuble lEUlea. W. f. 8BAHQRT,