Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 203, 5 September 1894 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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rr ISSURANCE > '« FIRE AND MAPINE THE UN*DERSIGNED IS AUTHOKIZKD TO TAKE FIBE axd MAKINE RISKS ON Buildings, Merchandise, Hulls» Cargoes, FVeights and Commissions At Current Kutes, in the Following Cos* itāuxl y: ROYAL INSURANCE COMPANY, LIVERPOOL, ALLIANCE ASSURANCE FIRE «fe MARIN*E, LONDON, WILHELMA 0F madgebi:rg GENERAL INSL*RANCE C0. SUN INSDRANCE COMPANY, SAN FRANCISCO. J. S. WAI.KEH, ‘Agent for the Ilawaiian Islands. I Robinson Block, Hotel Si., heiween Furt and Nuuanu, Have Just Receivtd, per Late Arrivals, the i i rpest Slccl cf fLE NITURE Ever lmpOrted to this Countr>’, Coipprising Handsome Carved £edroom Sets In Holiel Oak, and o/ ihe LA TESTDRS1GNS. ESPECIAL ATTENT10N* IS CALLED T0 THES£ SETS: WIOKE5H WARE, Beauti(ul Des!gns of iVicker Ware, cousisting of )KERS, etc. ,you e FINISH you desire. SOFAS, CHA1RS, ROCKERS, etc., vou ean get these in »ny ai CHAIRS, Coantless numbers of CHAIRS, in every style, including OFFICE and HIGH CHAIES. Wo have had a nuraber of calls for these T&bles, with CHAIRS to match. We have now in stock the most BEAUTIFUL DINING ROOM FURNITURE £VER SEEN HEEE. Sideboards and Chiffoniers E7DIVANS. Divans covered with PORTIERS are bechming quite tbe rage in f>lace of LOUNGES—we raanufacture them to order, and have a aigo stock of PORTIERS to select from. BEDDI1TG. Great Assortment of WOVEN WIRE MATTRESSES—Spring, Hair, Moss, Wool and Straw Mattresses on hand and raade to order L1VE GEESE FEATHERS and SILK FLOSS fur Pillows. CRIBS, CRADLES, etc. WINDOW SHADES of all colors and sizes. C0RNICE POLES, in wood or brass trimmings. B3 E B=>.A. I I DTi<3-. Mattresses, Lounges and all Upholstered Furniture repaired at reasonable retes. CABINET MAKING, iu all its branches, by Competent Workmen. MATTING LA1D and Interior Decorating under the Supervision of Mr. GEORGE ORDWAY. Our Goods are First Class, and our prices are the lowest Come and be convinced —a trial is solicited. Bell 525. telepho\es: Mnluai 645. ORDWAY <fe PORTER. Robinson Blook. between Fort and Nuuanu Telephon*es; Bell 351 Muiual 417 Kesidence: Muiual 410 P. O. Box 117 F,. B. THOMAS, ī

CONTRACTOR am! BUILDER Estimat©s Given on All Kinds brm, ihon, mm & wooin mm Ail Kinds of Jobbing in the Buflding Trade 4 Attended to. KEEPS K'OK 8ALE: Bnet, Lime, Cement. Inm Stone Pipe and Fittings, - Oli & New Conragated lron, MintonjTilee, Quarry Tilee, asaorted &izee and eolon; Califomia and Monterey Sand, > Qranite Cnrbing and Blocks, ©tc.. etc. !Corner King €t Smith Sta. Office Hoora, h to xa M„