Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 203, 5 September 1894 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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1)AI MITOiN linlwi Stret rArimgton Block] rta*sboT« Store htt neei«cd aootbcr Lup li>rciae of APANE5E |5jLK. ANCY pOODS, Per S.S. “China.” BEAUTIFUL SILK AND CRAPE. Dre«a Goo<l* in ai! «haiie, pUin ssd fi«mrrd Ouahion», Cot«*, B*d Gown.ii, ekemiaea, Sh*wls. Silk Crape Kainhow Silks, All Colon F»oct Onpenen, EHBBOIDE£ED HASDKERCHEFS Doi!Uc- s S nrfs, Koahea, Jacīets, Caj«, Etc., Etc. NOVELTIES: fbe Frices of tbese Gooda will a«tonisb yon inclnding £LECANT SILK KIM0NŪ8! Handroiue Cigarette Caaea, Pin Cnsbious, Siik Tea Cossies, IKIIK IKU SX1LL J1P1HE8E RC«8 Silk Umbrelliu, ligbt but strong; Cbair Saddlen, Silk; Uumboo Blind«, fitted with pnUeya; Silk Lamp Sba«\e«, uew style. JAPANB8K SCKKKNS. From «3 Cp. LAKGF, JAP1>ESE ll»KELL18 [3L. Can be Set with Pole In thc gronnd, niee : (or Pieniea or Lunehea oul of doors, hey ean be opened ont or n«ed as a tent. COTTON CRAPES IN GRKAT VAR1ETY L7*lnspection Uewpectfully Lurited. Mks. J.P.P. Calsaco, Aroprietress. Aprl2-3tu8 JUST ARRIVED, , " " " BABY • CARRIAGES t)F ALL STYLES, IN IHE LATTST PATTERN8. “HOUSEHOLD SEWING MACHINES Haxp Siwino Machix*s, Wiih lbe Late«t ImproTeiu«ats3(3 PAELOK Orsrans, Quitare lad Otber Moaioal Ia«trameuta. Wines, Liquors, Beer ALWAYS 0X HAKO. AXD POB KAT.K by ED. 90FFSCHLiEGEB i 00 Klag St.. oppo. Ca«tie k Cooke'» ) Tai Wo Wing Kee Co. » NUCAXV STR£ET nttl»f» in LkIIm' <k 6mU’ BooU and Shoee made to order. fOBoi»T