Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 203, 5 September 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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UT MA€HINE MADE JL 3C ! FACTOBY, : : KAUHL T*ro Planta, Frwh Tuj« »nd R»w Taro at ill tīm«s. Ricg Up Teiepboce 577. Bell 545. W. L. WJLCOX, Jt25 Man*ger. T. B. Muiray! & I ls lel to be I oand I On (hc Old hlaud, Xo. 44 ! King Kl.—Hia Kaiiam iu CARRIAGE ASD Goes On. When the “PEOPLES’ PARTY” gets smashetl he | will be ready to REPilR. PilMĪ iND TR1IIT i At a Reasonable FIgore. — No I Extru Chargo for Fnrnishing ; them with Comuiou Sense. LET THEM RIXG UP MUTUAL TELEPHOXE 572. 1 I y*21 '>m Pioneer Shfrt Factory ESTABLISnED 1S87. A. M. MELLI8, Proprietor, ,5Is Fort St., Honolulu, (Uputairt) Good Fit ! ■ - Capt. Wm. Davies, ;Rigger, Stevedore and W^eeke^. ESTIMATES AND COXTRACTS ON ALL KINDS 0F WORK. Steamer Waimanalo will run re* gular to Waianae, Waialua and Way Landing. lnqnire at office of J. S. Walkkk OTer Spreckel's Bank. feb l4»tf. Empire Saloon, JAMES OLDS, Pkopkikiok: pine V/iiies, Liquors. Beei ALWAS ON HAND, Comer Nnnann hkI Hotel StreeU. Bell Telephone 241. Post Offloa Box 107 FOR NiLE. FINELV bre>l BULL, terrier pnpe. Ennire of Wm. Woolham, *t DR. ROWATS’ Infirmary, King stre«t. sel-lm Club Stables Company, I F. (ji'aham, Mana^ei* Livery and Feed * FORT STREET, heiwwo Ho* tel and BereUnia StreeU, Honolola. Both Telepbooea .... jy23 lm 4r