Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 203, 5 September 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]
'Jgg FOB 8ALE rl T«mer paps <Mt o( iha >tock. the »o<bet •ōf tbe ftgLtuse iioek utd “Boobm" th« an t* • ■•caetrer" from tbe »ord “go." Tbc pap* an «bgiUe fot r«giatrmtaoo msd tbe p«dign« oi t£t poienU » cqtul to th*t b«U by 8ter«3s or D»l'. P*m« »»ntmg • or i hos dog viS dt> weH to th» ;itter. E&qoixe »t tbe Aacbor Stuoc-B <4 W. M. cuxningham tept 5-la» L. B. KERR'S ANNOU NC EM ENT! I H.WE JTST BECEIVED A LARt.4E ASSORTMEVTOF . FLNE St iTlNGS, ELEGANT PATTERNS, AND LATEST STYLES. Thi*<«e g»>ods wiU be sold in my OQ*ntity froui a 100 Yards Dowx to Enouoh to Make a Sixole Srrr! —AXD AT— H1BD TIHE8 PE1PE8 i I,. B. KKKK. . - IMP0RTEB,' Ouoea Street. Septō-3m ss C c 9 <3 3 rrsAT08SUP Sometimes where to go to pnrcbase any particnlar article, but not if you happen to want anything in the line of {5uppHes, Picture prames, or enlarged portraits, there is bnt one plaoe in Honoinlu, to pnrchase all materials, and that’s KING BROS.’ Store, for whieh there is no rival on these Islands. The finest paintings in Hawaii, are on exhibition in this gailery. The firm makes a specialty of enlarging portraits as well as making picture frames in the very latest styles of monldings. In tbe sheet pictures, they have thousands to select from of whieh they invite an inspection at any iime. KIjSTO BROS-, Hotel Street, : : Honolulu aug. 2o-lmdiy. W. S. LUCE 'W'ine and Snirit Merchant CampbeU ¥irt-pToof Uloek, MERCHANTST. HONOLULU.
Anchor-:-Saloon Ex “AUSTRALIA, ” Another Invoice of the WoHd Renowned FREDERICKSBURG UGER BEER On dnngkt and by the keg. Alao, u « Sped«ltjr, Smau Fresh C*ummA OYSTERS. FOR OOCKTAlT-S MrlS “