Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 203, 5 September 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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<Thr 2l*tamtui £alnriUf. ;E»T. *» 1894. St<?^’• eiiii'i. vill l*>v •'ī>* 1 arr ve •rr tn K»r Fr*.oci»» «><1 otlirT f«*«gn port», nr. or ab>nt the foHo«ring lill Ihe €••** of lRfM. Honowu Tn-t at Fkas«t»oo. F>*. S-a5 Hoxc>U*ix | F»A*ri*ct> OH \'A5COCVE*. ro5 Sa5 or V»v ocu« Ao.trtlit Jcne23 An»trali* Jnt»e 16 Monowai .Jnn» 2S Ara»» Jcae 23 'l'nmnw. .. Jnly l Manpe-* /•!* * \tiiit7ilij ,\nhttilii.... *o»y AIaanr fa J ily 2S Wanimoo.. . Jaly 23 Anwi . An«. I Mooowai Ang- 2 AuaU-ali* Aog. 1' Au*trmlia....Ang. 11 AlahpoMi Ang.23 Ar»w*.. ....Aog. 23 Wunuw R-T». 1 AU«acda..., Ang. 30 Aa»tri)ia Sej *. 15 Anntnlia Aapl.8 Alonowai Sept. 22 Waniwo,. .Ixpt.23 Arsva <M. 3 M*hpos* Lep 4 - 27 Aattnli< <M. 10 AnstraUa <Vt. 6 AlaHK -U <Vt. 1S Arm Oct. 23 Waninoo.... Nor. 1 Monowai ... .Oct. 25 Anstnilia ...Xr.r. 10 Aa-tr»Ua So». 3 M«rij>os*.,, .N t. 15 .Ihnwiii.... Nor. 29 Ar»w* l»eo. 1 W*rhrooo.. .Not.23 Au*>truli» ... .!!*'■. s Vn»tr*li*.... I?ec^2 Mon ».ii I>eo. 13 Maripota....l)ec. 20 W«rrirooo.,. .I>ec. 30 Ar*w* Dec. -2 Anstrali*. ...Dec. 31 V»5NKL» I» PORT. >*VAL VKWCL». H lt M S Ily*cinth, M;»y, Ewjamult, B. ff. naaonn. Am hktn. 8 N ( *.ttle. Hnl.UH, San Fran. Ger bk S. nta. Tieroann, l iverp<«>l. Schr W 8T«ll»>t,H'uliniu,Newe*iitle > 8 « . Ha R P Rithet, M<>rri*nn, S F. Hktne I’lanU r, IJ»w, Ly»an Is!un<l. Hk C D Brv«nt, Jacohsen, S F. Hk Velocitv. Mahin, Hongkong. Srhr Roli«rt I* w m, < ioo laian. Wa hiugton Rk Aiiuam, Ilmwn, N< wca«tle, N 8 W, KOREI«3 VE88CLN t\PEt'TED. Aiu Uk W 8 Phelp* Gray’« Har Dne Schr Allen A S f .«»“• Schr Bobert I>-weni... Gray’H1>r Due Br ship Ormar* NewowOe.... Ang. W Schr Si<li.' SF(K«h ...Ang. 20 0AO88 Helgic Yokoh*iua.. Ang. -1 HkC D Bry*ul S F Ang 22 KM S 8 MariiH>s*... .Syduey... .Ang. ‘-3 Hk O N Wiieoi Middle*borough. Aug CASSArawa Vancouver... Ang. ‘24 O S S Alnmed* S F Aug. 30 CA 8 S W«rrunoo.... Sydney Aog. 30 ' PM 8 8 Oliina San Fi«n. ...Sept. 3 Hktne Jobn Sroith... .NeweaaUe. .Sept. 4 Gor hk l**nl Iw ubt rb.. Hremen... .Nor. 1 Bark Routcubeck Livcrpool.. .Nov. 21 We will all l>o thore. Whoro ? \Vhv. at tho Scheut/.en Club Masquerade Ball. Monday, Septomber 3, 1891. Evenbody is goiDg. Are you ? * J. J. Williama the well-known Artistic Photograi>her is mnking a specialty of portrnits on Watch I>i ils aud Silk Hnndkerchiefs. Corapleto 8©ta of Lantern slides lccturos eau be had at the galler3 - . For lhey are sold at a reasouable figuro by the dozen or by the buodred. More firra and sure the hand of |courage strikes when it obeys tbe watchful cyo of caution. Drink Moming <iml Er*ning Star. N BREHAM. Bethel SL. Mutual Tel. 314. aug 22 * Cl^dUITCūUKTFI^TCl^UIT — 0F T11K — |IAWJ\IIJ\N I0LAplD0. IN PROBATE. In tbe m*(ter of tbc cM»te of Kōee MiM.vas<v Ute of llo&olalo, Oahu. dft>e*sed, Inte*ute. On tbe re*ding »nd filiag the pellUoM of MKS NANCY StlUAfAN of »aid Honolalu. *Urctng tb*t Rose Molten>> of **id Hv>oolalu, died iutr»Ute *t s&id llonolalo, oo th» 4tb d»y of Febru«ry. A. D. 1SSM. and j>r»ying th«t LeUen <>f Admini»tr*Uon t»»ae to ber, «ald N«ncv StiUman. lt lV orden'd. tbat on FRl!>AY, lbe 21»t d*v of 8EPTEMBtR, A U. 1SM. be «nd bereby 1» *pjx>iu!od f.>r ho*ring **ld jwUUou, in the ci>artrootn ol thi* Conrt. *t Honoiulu, »t whieh Ume a»d plaee *ll peuona conccn»cd «nav *pjHwr «ud ahow rau«, tf *ny thcy h*ve, whv »*)d j«etltion »faould not he cr»nlcd līatcd Honolnlo, H. L, Ang. 24. A. D. 18W, BY THK COURT. Caiut» F. Prraa»o5, Clcrk *ag. 25-3wdly. NOTICE. lu future «11 HILL8 for nudert*king wiil be p«yaUe on pnweniaiiou. We are eomSlec lo rewort k> thi* niie, on »cooaut of i inalnliie lo eolkel U>e majonty at oai Undertakmg bills *fter fuuerai» *rr over. W[1X1AMS BROS., Vv ED A. WILLUM8. U*nager. J. H. TKUSCULER, Boot & Shv>emaker. IS0 Fort Strt»t. Eepairiug, neatly Doue. hai •ole ani hc*l witb pegs, »1.00 H*lf aoie and heel aewing, $1.50, a«7 -