Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 202, 4 Kepakemapa 1894 — Hawaiian Hardware Comp'y. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Hawaiian Hardware Comp'y.

August 30. 1801. Tbe thoosands aod thosatuls of people who read the daily papers and get the news happenings i from the four qoarters of earth, r do so with Iittle thoagbt of the ■ expense attacbed to getting ont a I paper and the trials and tribala- . | tions of the editor and fre»}aent | • loss of money to the owners. Tbe difficulties whieh be set tbe ' paths of newspaper people \*ary :acconling to Iocality; in the 1 Nothern States. whero there are ) “nine months winter and three ! months very late fall,” it freqaently happena that the roads are b!ockaded with snow, just about the time the paper sapply is oxhausted, so the editor has to fall back oo his polished-sarfsce book paper to get out his editioo. In Vioksbarg. Missisippi, away • back in the sixties an entire stock of wall paper was used in getting oat a weekly paper, nowspaper waa not obtainablo. ( lu some places the peoplo will demand a maximam of news, ■ telegraphic and loeal at a min- , imam price, and then want to pay ; their subscription and advertis- { ing bills in wood or vegetables. But when Satardav night comes • ° ( aroand tho gentle and ungentle ( compositor rebels, when he is of- ( fered anytbing, but eoin in paymeut for his services, aud this accounts for tho fact that half the editors in United Statos are i trouble»l with insomnia. We • have known compositors in eonn- ' try towns to actually refuse to livo on a diot of roller composiand strike if tho editor would not divide the couteuts of the paste pot. I lu Honolulu, things are Jitrerent; paper is manufaatured in California, and the oeean uever freezes so hard tbat tho vessel can’t mn, so there is no delay there in getting a stock of paper, the “typos” nsnally meet the business Managers on !8 ’ lay with a broad smile whi ;hey give in exchange for got ’ >ld eoin, and the editors who J > not wear searcb lights in their sbirt t fronts leave thom otf, bccause 1 they do not wish to be mistaken 1 by tourists for capitalists. The eompositors, too, are of a better class than you will find on tho 1 Pacific Coast; thoy dress better, ' llve bettor and are better citizens > than you will find in other places, t oven at twelve and a half cent beer 1 is not indacoinent enough for ‘ them to take on “jag.’' ; If thero is anytbing that will set otf the appearance of a home, a good hanging Lamps is the tbing. We havo a new stock of Lamps that is §o varied io styles and prices tbat we ean suit the tastes and purses of everyone. The burners, whieh is really more important tban tbe decorations, Lave been selectcd with a to secaring the most powerfaI light with tbe leasi possible i amoani of heat. We otfer these to the pahlie at prices saf- i ficiently low to indoce more people to bay tbau we have Lampa to sell. Garden Hose is as mneh a necessity as a ielephone. The long stretcbes of dr>' weatber kills the grass nnleaa it is irrigated 1 and yoo cannot very well irrigate * unless yoa have Hose, tbe water h supply is meagre bat with a little . conniviog one ean always get 9 enoogh to keep the grass and . plants aiive. ' Table £nives, Carvers, Spoons ‘ &nd Forks are cbeaper than tbey have ever been before and we have a big stoek oi them. The Knives are the best made in the States and tbe Spoons and Forks the best qoadrap!e plaie. These will last aa long as solid ware that costs four or five times as maeh. We keep always a ioil Une of these goods and ean snpplv any I I demand. We neglected to meniion when writing abont Garden Hose that we have a quantity of the Iatest improved water sprinklera that we ean aell rery eheap and whioh u aro boond to give s£tislactiod, if k (or no otherreason ihan they will {» not get out of order aod very Uttle force of waier nms them. «i Tkc Hania Hartf jnCi * «07 ?ort.StaMt