Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 202, 4 September 1894 — HAWAII'S "BLUE" LAWS [ARTICLE]

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COXSTITUTIOX and LAWS Framed bv tlie Missionaries. * * LAWS of the HAWAIIAN ISLANDS. 10. lf a man take to himsolf a barlot aad commit whoredom with her, that 'man shall pay fivo dollar3. and the woman shall be taken to the honso of correction. for tho term of four months. and shall bo pnt to hard labor there, as are all the women of that houso. Tho man also, if hedo not pay his fine. shall be pnt to hard labor for fonr months. or be flogged twenty lashes. But if tho woman be tho soliciting party, and present herself as a prostituto, she shall in that case pay a fine of tcn do!lars, after whieh she shall be taken to the house of correction for four montbs aud bo made to labor as is the custom with all thc other women of that house. If she do not pay tho ten dollars fine, sho shall then remain iu the houso of correction for thc term of eight months. 11. If a parent give up his child to whoredom or prostitutiou, the ehikl ahall then cscapo and not be fiucd, but the pareut auall pay a fiuo of fifty dollars, and ono ha!f of tho money shall bo paid to the child whom ho prostitutcd, and that parent shall moreover bo flogged thirty stripos. This edict whieh applies to a parent giving up his ehikl, the same also shall apply to a husband who gives up his wife. And if he don’t pay the fine, he shall bo put to hard labor for ihe term of oue year. 12. Furthermore, whoever acts tho part of a pimp in procuring either females or malos, and whoever panders for prostitutes or whoremongers and whoever in any way acts the part of a pander, or is accessory to whoredom, or attempts to make profit from it ho shall bo fiucd for eaeh or any of those crimes, fifty dollars, or shall be put to hard labor for the term of ono yoar. Such shall be the punishmeut for all persons whopromoto criminal intercourse botween the scies. 13. lf a woman havo a husband living and they have not been divorced, and that husband tako another woman and marry her, having gone in a deceitful mannor to the Goveruor or his ngeut, and obtained a certificate of marriago without the knowledge of tho persongiving it tbat be had a wife living, and thus marry the eow woman, that husband is exceedingly criminal and shall bo punishod in tho following manuer. He sball be put to hard labor for one or two years at tho discrotion of tho judgcs. Though, if the judges think it bettor to impose a fiuo, tbey shall have a right to do so, at their discretion, but the fiue shall not exceed two hundred dollars, nor shall it bo less tban ono hundred. lf the woman married ignuranrly without anv kuowledge that her husbaud had another wife, thon half of the fine shall go to her. But if sho knew before hand that he had another wifo, tben she too sball bo fiued, to haif the amount required of tho adultorous bnsband. The subscquont marriage shall be null, they ahali soparate. The same tbat is determinod respccting a married mau who takes n second wife. the same also is determined rospectiug a married woman who criminally marries a sccond busband. Tbey sball be pnnished alike aud the last marriage sball be null. 14. Furtbermore, incest between relations is excoedingly criminal, so also are incestuous marriages. In tbe law regulating marriage it is clearly stated what relations aro forbidden to marry. If auy of those relations forbidden to , marry are guilty of sleeping together carnaily their puniahment shail bo double tbo punisbment of those who have no relations who go deceitfully to the Qovemor and marry without its being known that they are relatious. And if two persons are at any timo married, and ita(tarward becomes known that they are of sach consanguinity that their marriage is forbidden, tbe marriage shall then heeome nuil and void. 15. If any otber species of lewdness bo committed, sucb os is not mentioned in tbis law, tho jndge ahall consider it well, according to ihe best of big knowledge, he shall pass sentence in accordance with the genera! spirit of the law. Thus shall he puniah that eiime. 16. By thīs law all lewd converaation, aod «Il.sedactivo language, and all lascivious condoct leading to lewdness, and all libidinoas solicitation, and all licentious talking among the yonng, are prohibited. Whoever violates this law sbail be ponished &ccoiding to the magnitnde o! the offence. lt shall not be less than two aor more than ten doilars. 17. If any persona are guilty o( lowdness, but two years pass without their being coavicted, they are then free, thev ahall not be punishod. (To be C'onlinueā.)