Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 202, 4 September 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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Club Stables I ! Company, F. Manag8f Livery and Feed FORT STREET, between Ho> tel anu Berttania Streets, Houolulu. Bolh Telej>hones jy*23 Im Branch Establishment. Tliis Firsl-Cla88 Bathing Resort has been enlarged and is now opeu to the puhiie, It is the best plaee on the islanda to enjoy a Bath. and there is no better plaee to lay off. Special uccommodations for Laj dies. Trj mcars pass the d >or every haif hour, and on Saturdaya and Sundays every fifteen miuutes. C. J. SHERWOOD, jy24 Proprietor. T(lE HlD-OdEAfl POOL aad BILLIABD PAKLOH8 H. JUEN' .. .T; Proprietor Hotel Street ne*r Nuuann. Iv6 MEDEIR()S & Co. Merchant Tailoi*s. Aiuenean, Eaglish and Scotch Tweeds ou band. First-class work guaranteed. Hotel St., under Arlington Hotel Block, Honolalo. S. DECKER, Mauager. jy 17--lnaon. Gust. A. Mauer, HAWAIIAN HOTEL BARBER Ladie$ Shampooing a speciaHy. Honolulu. aug4. Removal! Blist&ce & ©o, HAVE MOVED TO — Morgan’s - Auction - Rooms for a short time. We arestill »elling Departure Bay COAL CHARCOAL, AIAxEROBA and KINDLING WOOD in auy qo*ntity. Both Telephones 414 *u6 FOR MALE, FLKELV bml BULL, terri« pope. Enjuire of Wm. Woolham, it DB. ROWATS’ Infim«y, Kiagstreet. — aal-lm F0B ULE. A FIXE “ MIDXIGHT ” STALLIOS eoU belonging to P. D. Lenb«w. The eoh «Bbe aeen ai the PaSTHSON STABLE fm lo-morrow. VL Mctval Tbi_ aoo. F- a Eox 15*. W1NG WO TAI & 00., No. «5 nnua Himeu;. H. L, Commission Merchanis, asi> D«Aun n—- • • o! »11 *6ciu r:dNi~