Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 202, 4 September 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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(Thf (£almdar. SEPT. 4. 1894. FORriGS 7I.UL HE«VI«E. Steatnsbi}<e will Ie«ve for an«l »rr ve «Mm San Prancisor> »ad otber forpijm (v>rto, on or ahont tbe f<>ll>»wing dates. liil tbe eloee <»f 1894. (,uvt Hosolclc Dr* »t Hosolclc n.R 8av FRAVctsoo. Fw. Sas FB.Asr»no ok Vakcocvek. I OR Van< otvu. An»tr»lii Jan«2H AnstnJi»... .Jnne 16 M 'n<y»r»i Jonc 2S .Vr»v« Jnoe 23 W«mmoo Jnly 1 Mftnj>o«» Jnly 5 An«tr»lia JulyCl Au»tr»lia.... Jnly 14 Al*inrd» July 26 \'»rrimoo.. ,Jnly 23 Arav« Au’k. I Mon.iwmi Aug. 2 An»>nJi». ...Ang. In Austrmli» Ang. 11 ManpoM Ang.23 Arswa Ang. 23 Wammoo.... 8ept. 1 AlanM«dft.... Ang. 30 AumiaIi» 8i-)>t. 15 Anitr»li» A<-pt. 8 Monowai..,,Sej»t. 22 Wammoo.. .Iept,23 Araw» Oct 3 Mftrip»*a.... Lept. 27 Anhtr»lift OeU 10 An«ti»li* Oct. 6 Alatnedft Oet. 18 Ar»w« Oei. 23 Wanimoo..,. Not. 1 Monowni ,...Oct. 25 Anolmiia ...N ox. 10 Anoimli* Sov. 3 Mwi|« , »*....Nf | T. 15 A1*med* Not.29 Ai»w* Dec. I \V*rrimoo.. .Nov.C3 ! An«tr»ltA Dec. 8 An»lrmlio De«-. 2 M>>now»i ,...Dee. 13 Maripos»... .Dec. 20 Wmminoo... .Dec. 30 Arawa Dec. 22 AnMimlia... .Dec. 31 VtHF.L« 13 l’OHĪ. AVAL VKtv.r.I.«.| H 15 M S !Cyacinlh, May, E»*inmnlt, II. C. aneMAnao:. Am bktne 8 N C««tle, Hnl>h*rd. San Fran. t»«r l>k Senta, Tieniaun, 1 .ivcrpool. Schr\V fi Tftlbot, Hluhum,Neweaalle N8 W. Hk K 1’ Hitbct, Morri«on. S F. Iiktne Plantcr, Dow, Ly«»ii Isiaml. lik C D liry»nt, Jacot»»en, 8 F. Bk Velocity, M*rtin, Hongkong. S< hr ltol»crt Lcwen>, Ooodmaa, Wa .hiugtou Bk Aimani, Brown, Newcastle, NS W. roKi !<■> v e«<EL3 f:\rr« Tr.D. Aui l>k W 8 l’holp»... .Orny'n Har ... ,Dne ty lir AllenA S F (Mah) <lue Sehr llolxrt Lewers... Gray'H'b’r Dne Br «hip Orntnra N«*wca«tle.... Aug. 30 Schr Sadie. , . • SK K»h),... Aug. 20 0*088 Belgic k'okohama.. Ang. 21 Bk C D Bnraut. 8 F Ang. 22 ii M8 8 \fnni>otui... .Sydney Ang. 23 Bk O N \Vilcox.... MidtUe«borongh. Ang25 CA8SArawn. Vancouver.. .Aug. 24 O S S AUme»la S F Ang. 30 , CA 8 S Wanimoo... .Sydney Aog. 30 1’ M 8 8 Chin» Sau Fian—8ept. 3 | Bktne John Smith Sotr«atl»..Sept 4 Oer Lk I'aul Isonl>erb. Bremen... .Nov. 1 I Bark Houtenbeck Ltverpool.. .Nov. 23 | Wo will all be thore. Whoro ? \Vby, at tho ScheutKen Club i Masquorade Hall. Monday, Septombor 3, 1894. Everybody is going, Aro you ? * J. J. Williaius tho well-known Artistic Photographer is making a »iH'cialty of portraits on Watch Dials aud Silk Handkorcbiefs. Complete sols of Lantorn slidos lecturos eau be had at the gallery. For they aro sold at a roasonable tlguro by tbo dozeu or by the huudred. * Fifty ehineee nnd Japnese boys from 10 ta 50 yc«rsof sge, not above i the l>e«t looking oue will get a price 1 of 17 bars of so«p for 1.25c. The ; 2rd. 1 doz Morning Star for 50cts. i The Thirvl, 30 boxes Tokio M&tchis for I0cts. N. BREHAM. Bethol St, Mutual Tel. 314. nug 22 * CQURT Cl^dUlT — 0F THE — $LAflD£. IN PROBATE. ln lh« m»ttcr of ihe c»taw of R<Vsk M6ltkko, Ut« of Honolulu, (.Uhn, dc*cft#cU. intwUtc. Od tbc tvaJln£ aiui fUlng tln- iKliUon of MKS NAS< Y 8TIL1.MAN ōf rftkl Honoiuln. ftllcciu£ tbat Ko*e MoUeno o( *»K1 Honolnln. dicd iutr»tfttc »t muiI HoaoliUn. on Utc 4th «Uj oi Kct'n>»ry, A. D. 1AM, and pr»yi u£ tbat L«t(erv of AdmlnUtr»U<>B ū»ue to 'ber, «ak! Nano» S?il!mau. lt l» orden\L tb»tou FRIDAT. the 21»t d»v ot SEPTKMHĒK. A. D. IS4H, be and hereby U »iHH>inted fur hoarmg rftkl ueUUon, in lhr courtnxua of thU C>>urt, »t Honoiulu. at whloh tlme and pUee al! pmww cooerrned iii*< appoae and ahow eauae, if ar.T they h»re, whv mld peUUon >honM not bc or*mēd. lVatrd n»nolalu, U. I., Aiw. 24. A D. !StH. BT TIIE OOl’RT. Caau> F. Prrc»«o», C«crt ftttg. 43—5wdij. ISrOTICE. la fntarv »£t for nudert*kiag wOl bep»y»hle ou pnweuiaUou. We »re eompdiee to resort (o thi» rnk-. on aeeoum of tht iuat«litT lo ooll«ct the majority of onr Undertakmg UIU uft«r fnneruis ftfe orer. WILLIAklS BBOS., EP. A. M7LUAM8. M»uager. ua2rlwd J. H. THU8CHLER, — Boot & Shoemakei*. 1S0 Fvri Strert Hepairing, neally Done, n*lf sole *od heel wiih pegs, II.U0. H»H uo 16 and hoel sowing, $1.50. au7