Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 202, 4 September 1894 — LOCAL NOTES. [ARTICLE]

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Sug»r is 3:25. Tbe Board of HealLh mav meet toxnorrow afterooon. — i Tbe stearaer Mokolii left port i last eveiUDg for Maai aml Molokai. ■i ■■ - Several isiaoJ stearaers left port here tbis afternoon for miod- | ward. Coocertat EaamakapiIiCbarcb tbis ereDĪDg. commenciog at 8 l o’eloek. Tbe Woman’ s Eoanl of Mis- | sioos raeet tbis afteruoon in tbe | Central Uanion. Tbe U. S S. Cbarleston is ex- ; pected in port here to morrow, tbe 5 iust. from San Francisco. Heavy dae fell !ast trening, at times almost approacbing the | cbaracteristics of rain. Loeal foreign correspondents j bave seeming!y bad tbeir day as ■ Eastern papers ignore Hawaiian : u®ws. ' . . . . I Esamination and registratiou ' of prospective voters is proceed-- ! ing slowly. The 1220 total bas not vet been roacbod. Mr. Tbeo. HoHman of Sau Jose, | Califoruia, will sacceed Mr. W. : I Warriuer as Superiuteudent of . tbe Eleein'e Ligbt Co. Tbe bark Velocity will leave bere for Hongkong next Friday. ' Captain Martin is endeavoring to 1 sell tbe vessel to loeal parties. Anotber ‘Humaue Society” is l projected. Interested persons are request«d to meet tbis evening at Y. M. C. A. parlors at j 7:30 o'eloek. Major J. Hay Wodebonse, ex- j Britisb Miuisler Resident, was , seronaded by tbe Hawaiian Na- | ( tional Band boys, at bis rosidence . last eveuing. Tbe U. S. Tariff b:ll became law witbout tbe siguature of tbe President. Loeal people bave j I donbt of tbe perpetuation of tbe ; Reciprocity treaty. Tbe U. S S. Cbarleston from San Fraucisco for tbis port en route to Cbiua was spoken |>y tbe stearaer Cbina, at sea, last Suudav tbo 2nd iust. J , Rear - Admiral Walker was sui>erseded, on Aug. 24th. by Rear-Admiral Beardslee as eommander of tbe United States squadron in tbe Pacific. Tbere is some talk in financial circles of tbe ornitborynbcus having sach a pull on a promi- i nent busb that somebody will feel a crick in tbe neek. A. P. Pet«rson, Esq , bas re- ! turued to towu again from Mautr-* During bis absence be represented the cause of tbe Wailiee . Sugar Co. iu a damage suit. — Dr. F. R. Day bas received tbe appointment of Port Ph.ysician. A Dr. Myers, at bis own request, bas obtained positinn on the : examiuation board uuder tbe ! “act to mitigate. — Tbe P. M. S. S. Cbiua arrived ! in port here last evening from San Francisco, bringing mail and news dates to tbe 29tb ult. She will sail for the Orient at 2! o'eloek tbis p. m. I The Clob Stables lost a valuable borse on Snnday through being overvorked by a savage 1 native driver who hirēd tbe horse for use during tbe day. The statemeut made is to tbe effect tbat the horse was overdriveu aud tben driren to drink, with fat«i reenlts. The driver was arrestod. Rev. W. Garvi u the evangelist preacbed in Harmooy HaU on Sunday afternoon and evening. After the afterncon services he baptised nine people amongst them keing Eric Lewis, late an Anglicaa obnrchparson and later a proselyth io the adventists.and an officer aod several men belong* ing to Q. B. H. Hyaointh now iu port. v