Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 202, 4 Kepakemapa 1894 — LADIES' COLUMN. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


We ire not at all sarpr)sed at j our iQcrease<! tr*d«—it a Ihe ; goods and pric«e that haro | brought it ail aboat We h»re ’ adopted the pcHcy of qoick ules aad small profits— it's a first rate po!icy fbr both Ihe buyer and seller. It means TRL*Ē ECOXOMY —good things nee*i not be higfa priced. There is a certain bard wall of facts and fignres bowever. that <tands between possibility and prodigaI pron»ises. There are eeii&io prices below whieh no good, hor.est article ean be bongbt. Those pricea are our’s. — if yon pay less yon will certainiy get less. This is « plaia sUtetnent worth remembering. Wa don't know wbat got ioto the f*ctory for they have sent 09 euongh LADIES, SHiRT WAlSTStp supply every lady on these Islauds. Wo mnst get rid of thcm. Como in and take yonr piek. They all eame ou tbo last steamer and are uuw desigos and patterns. Y'ou aro payingmore for QUBTAINSat tho pnblic aueiion thao we aro asking. We have NOTTINGHAMS at, «.50. MADRAS, BULARI0N, IUW SILK, ORtENTAL, ANT1QUES ETC.. ETC., —we intend thal they sball be sold, so now is a good timo to buy thom. The same advico will staud good through overy departraent of our house. Whenyoucall, tako a look at ourTOWELS and TOWELLINQ C/?ETONNES andFURN1TURE COVERINGS. Aiso our COMF0RTERS at $1. B. F. EHLERS & C0.