Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 201, 3 September 1894 — HAWAII'S "BLUE" LAWS [ARTICLE]

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C0NST1TLTI0N and LAWS Fi*amwrbv the Mi.ssioniiries. LAWS of the HAWAIIAN ISLANDS. Bīit a woiuin o{ )>.ul characier, even thongh. she sutfer violence, shall receive no part of tbe fine of the conJemueJ man. Women of gooJ character and they oaly shall receive a port:on of the fine froia the crimiuals. -1. If a mnn have a wife cf gooJ character. having never been involved in law, nn»l haviug no appearance of beiug vicious, if that hnsbaml take another womau ami sleep with her, then that innocent wife may say a word iu relation to her hnsbumi. If the wife choose to separate from him for life, she shall have a right to ilo so, aml sho may marry «notber hnsbani. In that case tho adaltoroo5 husbaml ahall be banished (oanother laml thero to remaia for four years. 13i»t if tl>e woman choose to coutinue with her husband. she raay do so, and he shall not be banished to another land, bnt sball be pnnished as follpws: He shall pay a fine of thirty doll«rs, one half to the hnsband of his aeeompliee.aniono h ilf to the govornment,though the polieo otlicer shall tnke his portion before the »lmsion js raade. But if his aeeompliee have no bosband, then the whole shall go to governmeut aml the poliee oflicer. But if the fiuo be not paid in mono}* nor other property, be shall then be made to work in the prisou for the terra o{ eight months. Bat if the wife of the said man be of ba»l cbaracter, then she shail have uothing to say in the case; they shall not separate; the man ahall not be banished to another Iand. His fine shall be tl»irty ilollars, or he sball be put lo hard labor as i*eqnired above. 5, The samo that is required iu relation to the husband of a respectable wife. when that bnsband is guilty of adultery, the same also shall be required in reiation to the wife of a res»peotabie husbaud, when that wife commits adultery. lf that woman t«ke another hnsband, and tbey sleep together, then ber own proj>er hnsband shall have a word to say respecting her. if he choose to separate from her for life, he shall have a right to do so, and he marry nnother wife. In that c«se, tho adnlterous wife shall be banished to anotlier land, iheie to remain for the term of four years. But if the husbaml choose still to remaiu with his wife, he has a right to do it, iu whieh case she shall not be banished to another laml, bnt shal! be pnoisbed as follows: she shall pay a fiue of thirty dollars, one half to the w:fe of her aeeompliee, and oue half to the government, the poliee ofiicer, however, shall t.ike his portion before the division is mado. but if hor aeeompliee have no wife, then the whole fine s1im.11 g > to the government and the poliee officer. Bnt if the liue be uot paid, neither in raoney nor in other property, theu she shail be pnt t»v hard labor in the penitentiary for eight months. But if her owu husbaud bo also • of bad cbaracter. then the husbaml ahall have nothiug to say iu the case; they shull not be divorced, nor shail tbe woman bo banishe»l to anotuer land. She shall be fiaed thirty doiiars or put to hard labor as reqnired above. lf a single man or a single woman take a married person, and eommil adultery with her or with him, then tbe puniahmeut oi the uutuarried person shall be thirty dollars, or iu default thereof shall be pnt to hard labor for governraeut in the peuitentiar5' for the term of six months. But if the married person be the solieiting party then tbe unmarried person shall be fined only fiiteen dollars, or be put to hanl iabor for the goverument for the term of tbreo months. 7. If a raarried man take a yonng woman of good character, and has always snsta:ned a good character, aml seduce tbat woman and commit adoltery with her, then the mau shall pay to the father of the seduced girl fifteen dollars, after whieh be shall be further pumshed as is reqoired in the fourth section of this law. 8. If au unmarrieii man and an unmarried woman sleep together nnd are fonnd, if the ehooae to raarry, and there is no legal obstade in the way of their marriage, then they shall bo fined three dollars eaeh. after whieh they may marrv. lf tbey do not marry tbeu they shall be fiued, the soliciting party twenty dollars, and the yielding party ten. Bnt if it is not proved whieh is the more guilty parly, then eaeh shall be fined fifteen doliars. But if it be not paid then they shall be pnt to hard labor, the soliciting party for five moalhs, and the yielding party two and a half. But if their crime be equal then they both serve for the term of four months. 9. If a woman commit foraication and thereby heeome pregnant. thea she sball not be pnnisbed till after the birth of the cbild If the ehihi be stil!-bora she may be puniahed, bat if the child be living, Ihe fo!lowing shali be Ler purnishment, she shali take good care of the child, bot if - she do not take sach care, tbeo the jodges may fine her to tfie amoont of fifteeu dollars, and tbai raoney sball be appropriated to the benefit of the child. (To U. Continv.ed. }