Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 201, 3 Kepakemapa 1894 — Hawaiian Hardware Comp'y. [ARTICLE]
Hawaiian Hardware Comp'y.
Argnsl 30, IS94. The thcusatuls aml thosamLs of people who read the d«ily pipers •nd get tbe news hxp)»euing.s from lbe fonr qnarters of eartb. do so with litlle (hought of tha eipenae attacl«e<l t » grtting out a p«per an«l the trial.s aiu! trib i!«ti >ns of t!ie e»l!t>>r ativi frequ«*i t : ss of tuoney to""the owuersThe d fficn ! ties whieh be set the j>;.tlis of newspaper peuple vary »ccor>liiig to locality; in the X"tbern h>t-vtcs, where there ar>* • 'nine moutbs winter aml thrce months very late fall,*’ it freqnently happena that the roads are blockaded with snow, just abont the tirae the paper supply i» ex bansted, so the editor h«s to fall back on his j>olished-snrf ee book paper to get ont hi.s e>lition. ( In Vicksbprg. Missisippi, away back in tlie sixtiesan cntire stock of wall paper was used in getti«g ont a weekly paper, ucwspaper was not obtainab!e. In somu pL;ces the peoplo will demaud a masimum of news, telegraphic and loeal at a minimum price, and then want to jmy their suhscripiicn and advertising bills in wood or vegetables. But when Satnrday nigbt comes aronnd tho gentle and nngentle compositor rebels, wlieu he is offered anything, but eoin in payment for his services, an>l this accounts for the fact that half the editors in XJuited States aio trouble>l with iuaumnia We bave known corapositors in eoun- ' try towns to aotually refuso to , live on a diet of roller composi- , i aud strike if the editor wonld not i dividp {he coutonts of tho puste : pot. In Houoluln, things are differ- ; ent; papor is raanufaotnred in ! California, and the oeean uever freezes so hard that the vessel can’t rqn, so there is no delay j there iu gctting a stock of paper; the “typos” nsnally mcet the business Managers on Satiyday with a broad smile whieh they [ give in exchange for g<»o<l gold eoin, and the editors who do not wear search ligbts in tueir shirt frouts leave thein ott, because they do not wish to bo mistakeu by tourists for cftpitajists. The eompositors, too, are of a better class thau you will fiud on the Pacific Coast; tbey dress better, live better and aro better citizeus tban you will find iu otlier plac^s, , eveu at twelve and a haif cent beer is not iuducemeut euougii for : them to take ou “j )g. ’ If there is anythiug that will set offthe appea/anee of a home, a good hanging Lamps is tbe thiug. We have a new stock of Lamps that is so varied in styles and prices that we ean suit the tastes and purses of everyone. Tbe bnrners, whieh is really more important than Ihe decorations, have been selectcd with a to securing tbe most powerful ligbt with the least possible amount bf heat. We offer these to tbe public at prices sufficiently low to induce more )>eople to buy tbau we have Lamps to se!l. Gardeu Hose is as maeh a necessity as a telephone. The long stretcbes of dry weutber kills the grass unless it is irr gated i : and yon canuot very weH itngate uuless you have Hose, tbe wuter supply is meagre but with a Iittie eouuiving one eau always get enongh to koep tbe grass and j piants alive. Table Knives, Carvers, Spoons and Forks are cbeaper than they have ever been before and we h«ve a big siock of them. The ī Knives are ihe best made in the j Siates and the Spoons anJ Forks the best qnadrnp!e plate. Tbese will last aa Iong as solid ware tbat costs four or five times as mneh. : We keep always a fnll line of tbese goods and eau snpp!y any demand. We neglected to meniion when writing aooai Garden Hose that we have a quantity of the latest j improved water spnnk«ers that j we ean se)i veiy eheap and whieh are bound to give satisfactiud. if for no otherreason than iaey will; not get out o£ order and very liiile force oI water runs them. Tte Btnta Mvsr Cb.> i 807 Fort Stnrat ] V