Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 201, 3 September 1894 — WINDMILLS. [ARTICLE]

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Oood. Bad and Ind;ff«rent—Xhe Aermotor King of Them AU The soarcity of water on Oahu and other portions of tbe group has , bad a depressiug effect upon the people generally. The exceptioo is among those who saw dauger abead aud calculated tbe probable loss to crops and cattle, and who kuew lhat it migbt be averted by u»ing ao Aermotor. It would be difficuit to even approximate tbe saviug tbese people bave made by bcing up to : date in tbe matter oi rancb maehiuery. A year or two ago we heard of one man who savod three thousand dollars’ worth of taro the first sea- i son he used his Aermotor. Ou plan- ; tations where tbe geared mi!ls are used the saviug is iu two directious: j labor aud inereased crops. In addilion to the economy there j is in this pieee of machinery there i is tbe matter of coovenience to peo - ple who use it for pumping water for bousehoId nse, for by the Aer- j motor a supply of water may be forced to anv part of the house. The Aermotor is a pioneer in the wiudmili line only so far as the eonstruction of galvauized steel wheel are coDceroed; ihe inveotor had sixty different wiudmills to improve upon and wheu his model was eomplete it was ackuowledged to be tbe best up to date. Since then improvemeuts have been made, so that the Aermotor of to-day wouhl not be recogntzed as belouging to the parent wheel of a few years aga Scientific men, thosc who are versed iu the compiicated probiems relating to the power of reeistaDce of variou» metals to the wiod, men whoae livee are »pent iu studying out the advantagee of bolts, cogs, ele.. and their uecessity to a pro)>er aeliou in the timee of storms or c«ims are engaged by ihe manu/aoturers to formulate ideas aod put thetu imo eieeolion. The gaivauixed steel Aermotor ia the result of ; lheir ability to ferret out weak pointa aod coaceive strong oue». Other »indmills are being put oo the market every few months only lo be replaced by the everlastiug Aermotor for whieh the Hawaiian j Hardware Co. ia soie agenL