Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 201, 3 September 1894 — THEY REPORT. [ARTICLE]

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eenUenM»!». wb«» *‘ , n beb»lf | of tb« Qafen, li*ve viiited W**h- j ir gton. enllnl on her at t«n o’ele-ek thi» morn;rg n.d m»de n Co»i r»-prtiiH fnr «heir mi« »ion in eoneenK d. TLe mcRS»ge I brought by the gent!emen wae cminent]y satiafactory because it wa.- finsl. It confirmed, in teriūs 1 that eannol be mia can»traed, tliat Hawaiiana must Relect tbeir own government —be it re|inbli- j «an or mcnarchical —and tbatthe ■ United St*tea of Amenea are un- ! able to further mterfere here.