Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 201, 3 September 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 6 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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PANĪHEON SALOON, | ! FORT AND HOTEL*STS, Mmnn EBter?rise BKfiu Co. THK Largest Consignmeut of Beer ihat ever arnved here, nou on Draught I J. DODD, Pr»y'r CRITERION 3AL00N, Weiland- Extra- Pak ■'LagEr Heer 2 Schoonors for 25 Cts. jvl4 L. H. DEE, Prop’r PIONEEK Steam CANDY Factory. BAKERY and lee Cream Parlors! HORN m 1863 I II I 1694 PRACTICAL coxt;kc tioneh axd ORNAMENTER In all branrht* o/ Ihe hniintti oii lht$t ifland*. Amcrioan. G«rmkn aml Krenrh PASTRIKS Made to Order. BIRTH-DAY AND WEDDING CAKES M*do of thc Verv Pcst Matcrial »nd »t Rcaso*nabIc Rates. Family Graham & Fancy Bread on HihiI. ALL C O\FKtTl().\FRV Mannfactured at Mv E«tab!io!imcnt Arc Gnarautci.-»1 to bc Po*iUveiy Pcro and 8old at Pric« n<> other o>tahlGbmcnt ean eomp»-te with. FACTORY AND STORE, No. ‘I liotel Street, Ilonoluia. Both Tekphone» No. T4. jyig

c C C — V' iT’8AT0SSUP Sometitnes where to go to parcbase any pnrticalar article, but not if yoa happen to want anything in the line of I ‘ £rtists’ Ptrtiue pran23, or enlarged portraits, there ia ! but one plaee ia Honoluln, to | < pnrcbase ai! materials, and tbat's KJNG BKOS.’ Store, for whieh tbere ia no rival on these Islands. The finest paintings in Hawaii, &re on exhibition in this gallery. I The fina makes a specialtv of : enlarging portraiU as well' as | making pictore frames in the ▼ery latcst stv les of mouUUug3. V lo the sheet pictures, thev ! have tboasanils to select fxoa» of «•hien tbey invit« nn iaspection I at any time. ICIISiG BROS-, HotolStroet, : ; Honolnlo "«ug. 2o-lmdly.