Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 201, 3 Kepakemapa 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
HAWAII HOLOMUA, is published Every Afternoon EXCEPT SUNDAY BY THE Holomua Publishing Co. At King St. (Thomas block), Honolula, H. I. SUBSCRIPTION, per Month, 50 Cts. The |«p<>r ūi (feliver*sl br C*rriew in »L lown uia «nbtirl>*. hr S»! 4t uc New> J).;a1cw *Oii *t tLe OIBce t poblication. EDHU!*D ft/0RRlE, - - Edito P. M R00'iEY, - - Manage X OTICE. AU Huiineoe Commuutention« «honW h to 1*. M. .SOONEV, Uono īuln, H. I. Omwpouuenee aud t>»niuimu»'*tions to iiu hh'wUon «houlil be itddn.-*aed to the E>Iito ilawuii Hulumna. Nu notioe wiB be p*n to any anc>nTtnoab eommuiuealion». liusincs.s Cards VOLNEY V ASHrOFvD, Attoni©y aml Couusolor ut Law Otbce, Sito of tbe 01d 13etliol—\Vest Cornor of King aml lletbe 8treots. jy‘2l A. P. PET£RSON, A1T0KNEY AT LAW. Ofllce: 113 Koahuiuanu Stn.<et, ilonoiule Huwuiiau l>land8. CHAKLES CREIGHTON. ATTOKKEY AT U\W. otBee; 113 7tfoLiHooaun Stre«t, Honululn UawaiĪAU lalaud8. & PAUL NEUMANN, ATTORXEY AT LAW. S?t4 Mercbant rStroet. Houolulu, Mulual Telepiicne 415. CLAREN0E M T . ASHFOPtD, ATTOENET AN*D O.'ENKELLOK AT LAW. Offloe. v)ld Ckj,it.d BaiIUr.fr. (HonMuln Uale), adjoiniu»; Foat OfSce, Honoiulu. A. PvOSA, ATTORXEY’ AT LAW, No. 15 KanLuiuauu St., Houolulu, Uawaiian Islauds. 11. F. BEPvT£LMANN, OONTRAC1DK AND BUILDER,J 8C» King St., B©11 Tele}»bono 107. F. H. BEDWABD. OONTRA»TOK anp BUUDER. No. 506 King Strcot, Honolulu. Uaw&īiau lslauds. WILLIAM KOSTEli, ATORNKY AT LAW Jt NOTARY PCBUC, Honolulu, H. I., 13 Kaahumanu Slrcet. jy24 A. a CORKEA. HTATIDLY1T AT LAW. 307 Merchanl Str,vt, Honuiulu. Jj2> DiVl» DllTOX, Agenl to T«ke Acknowledgments. WlU Atteud Managemeut and Sale of Pro{>orty—Collection iu All its Braneūos. Otboe No. 42 Mercbant Streei; Mutual Telephone 380. j}’23 Femaudes k Gomes -WUOLE&aLE California Wfnes and Sp!rits, Xo. 502 Furt St., Houoiu!u, H. L ’P O. Dcx 436, Mulual T e I©. 140. t. ITOHAN,” IMPORTEE xsn DEALER IS OENEK I Uerciisndi«*, Ej.-ituirr!T of 3wp*e Manahuenn»—WKoLEāALE & KKTA 304 and 306 Fort f. O. Bus !1C Mnlnal Tde. 3«. i