Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 201, 3 September 1894 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]
Fire, Life & Marine INSURAMCE. H.VHTFORD F.UE INSURANCE CO„ .Vssets, $ 7.109,825.49 LOXDOX-LAXCASHIRE FIRE IXS. CO„ As3ets, $ 4,317,052.00 THAMES-MERSEY MARIXE IXS. CO., Assets, $ 6,124.057.00 NEW YORK LIFE IXSURANCE CO., Assets, $137,499.198.99 C. O. BERGER. Gesierai Ageut f >r the Hawaiun Is!Roda, llonolulu E. 8( Bf^o 1MP0KTEBS AND DEALERS L\ Gi*oceries, I 3 rovisions AXf) i^eeel, EAST eOUNEU F0BT & K(NG;STS. New €roods Roc’d Bv everv Pucket frora the Easteru Statos aml Europe. Fresb CuIifornia I*roduce by ever>’ stearaer. All orders fa;thfully attended to, and Goods delivered to any part of tho eity FREE OF CUAPiGE. Island Orders SoIicited. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Post Offioo Bos N». 145, 'PelephoueNo. 92. THE H0N0LULU_ S0AP H0USE. Sells the VLry best qnalitj of S0AP at «.50 per 100 ponmla and 17 bars of i5 poni,ds lii>nest weight for OEKMAN BLIT. CaST1LE SOAP. mannfactHro9. ? Mannhoim, Gt*rmanv, at 10 cenls ncr pound T01LET SOAP, rctail at whokaale orices. SOFT SŌAP in tius of +§ m«uui!s « >5 STEAK1C WAX MI.NINO CANDLES, mannfaetared Ca„ai e W orks of LineioaU, Ohio, 13 Omdles for 25 cents. ‘ ‘ e KIAW E 1IRE \A_OOD. SI0 per eonL The same cnt in blocks ofI3 lnch^s KUWE n JuffioALT+0 cen P ,s ° f l ° aC> *“ rt ° f ‘ he cit^ Rlcbmoiid. Va.. CEDAR WOOI) POI P.ULS flnisl.ed wlth hoops. Small size 50 cents; Uirge size ><*ciut« Empty Vineyar aud Wine B.VRKELS as wafer receiver» qi h. KIĪOHEN SALT in saeks of 100 pounds.50 ets TABLE SALT triven awav m P 111 9 Eā ’ * KINS a,,d TA.LOW. ** J ' CUES U only containlne 30 80X8:5 of TOKIU PARLOR MATMutnul TeIephone 314. iV- BREHAM, Betbel Str$et augy
l’ O. B-x 48<>. Mutcal Telephoxk 245. The Clieapest Plaee on the Islands to Buy NewandSecond Hand Furniture IS AT THE euKNEHOK T V T Honoiulu Kmg & Nuuanu Sts. jL A I J „ L
E1KG UP MLTCAL TELE. 31I i NIEP£R S Baggage Express. LKHee, 229 FoH st„ Hooolalo. H. I. Baggage and Furniture Carefully IIandled and I)eli»ered at Short Xotice to AU Parta of the C:ty. ’ Staud on Cor. of Fort Queen SlA. jt2S Kwon" Sing: Loy Merchant Tailor, Dry Good's, Uen aml Ladies’s SftO€S. >’o. «7 Kia? Stirrt. nou- “Hok>mca.” j«Jr5 YEE CHAK,' | i’EAI.EK L\ Fiqe $3od$ Fine Tailorin§ Fine Ohineee aud Japanese Uandkerchief» Noa. 31to 33 Nuuanu Su 11 JDO- f P.O. Box 233. jy 3 j